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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. The first episode of season 3 is floating around on the interwebs, as well as first 2 of season 2 of Californication.
  2. That sucks. I'll have to pull out some Floyd tonight.
  3. I don't mean to defend him but the people voted no and he didn't have a violent takeover. Doesn't make him mr. stars n stripes but this guy comes from a military background and could do a lot worse. He's not as bad as some of the people our country has supported. I know that doesn't mean much and I dont want it to. There should be more freedoms over there, and if he wasn't all cheesed out like McHammer with this oil money he'd be done.
  4. This saddens me, how phony and uncomfortable he has become. I used to really like McCain. Used to be he would've never done stuff like this; I really liked him and trusted his word. Even the average politician would stop telling bald-faced lies once every major news organization called them out. I would feel bad for him if this wasn't his own choosing.
  5. is that like haterade. I like haterade.
  6. People, including myself, were speculating that this is probably the date of Letters to Santa since it's always the second Tuesday in December.
  7. One thing I loved about Huckabee's candidacy was always Chuck Norris in the background.
  8. Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway You know, I've always thought of summerteeth as kind of a dark album but it has some of the most uplifting songs on it. (again)
  9. Damn, I still need to upgrade my bunny ears
  10. Are there any pics around of these oil skanks?
  11. Oh, great. I don't have cable right now so I watched it on broadcast. I didn't even get to see it that well.
  12. Olbermann did a good piece on the terror alerts:Nexus of Politics & Terror. Warning 17 minutes long.
  13. Yeah, wanted it to be good. Someone told me it was going to be the new X Files. No way, No how, No Fringe.
  14. Sarah Palin admits son is Islamic terrorist
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