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Wilco LP #7

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Everything posted by Wilco LP #7

  1. new album out TODAY TALK ABOUT IT
  2. oh man hell is chrome pieholden suite at least that's what you said you are my face ashes of american flags poor places hummingbird either way on and on and on misunderstood jesus, etc. impossible germany those are my elite songs, in no order
  3. I've actually thought about this a lot Pieholden Suite is a MUST. If I hear that you didn't use it, I will start a VC petition to get you off the boards. Seriously. A Magazine Called Sunset is the wild card, never count that song out. It rules. On and On and On is a perfect clincher ("one day we'll dissappear together in a dream" is one of the most sublime love lyrics ever) Include at least one of the more dissonant/thrashy songs like ALTWYS, Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure IATTBYH, etc., you never know, she might love it. Probably stay away from Spiders though. Handshake Drugs would
  4. fingering for Cdim anyone?
  5. Less weathered vinyl. I'm much more of an audiophile than a collector, my Vinyl endeavors aimed at the best listening experience. Novelty hardly interests me.
  6. Here comes the "dad rock" comment
  7. I thought I heard something about a repress of Being There coming. I saw a used copy today, and decided not to bite on it until I got confirmation on this suspicion. What's the deal?
  8. Is this "new album" anything you've heard or just an acknowledgement that the Lips will at some point produce another album?
  9. i'm sure someone knows these chords/lyrics
  10. NEVER!!! I try to listen to talk radio, actually. Passengers can be disagreeable, however.
  11. KV survived the fire bombings of Dresden, a near impossbility, while going through a POW camp. He's done a far greater service to this country than those faux-patriotic motherfuckers.
  12. I've exposed a lot of friends at school to the album that have fallen in love with it. There are people that were previously fairly indiff. to Wilco. Now I hear SBS everytime I go to a friends place. I never thought I'd see the day where other people were putting Wilco on all the time, but now it's a frequent occurence.
  13. Full length version of Less Than You Think!!!
  14. It's April 18th... no sign of new artists...
  15. i'm very happy about this thread.
  16. 00's- YHF, AGIB 90's- GBV-Bee Thousand, MBV-Loveless, Summerteeth, The Soft Bulletin (no, I will not narrow that down) 80's- Dino Jr.-You're Living All Over Me, Jesus & Mary Chain- Psychocandy 70's- Blood on the Tracks, Ziggy Stardust 60's-Highway 61, Revolver
  17. Hobo with a shotgun? I missed that one.. when did they show it?
  18. Planet Terror was kind of stupid, but also highly entertaining. Rose McGowan was smokin' throughout, but that go-go dance intro was probably the coolest thing ever. Death Proof was phenomenal. Among QT's best work, ever, in my opinion. Wow. The tension builds so well in the final car scene, I was having the time of my life. The dialogue was brilliant, it was so great to see he could still do that. Kill Bill saw a retreat from his best dialogue, because the dialogue lacked that casual dimension. The trailers are really hilarious too, a real treat. I reccomends going to this movie ASAP.
  19. this is how Wilco will get crossover success.
  20. Yeah, Summerteeth was very straight forward album made in the mold of the classics like The Beatles, Stones, and Beach Boys.... what?
  21. it's a lot more likely that he's actually at Tramalfadar
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