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You Can Be The Stone

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Everything posted by You Can Be The Stone

  1. Nels' steel pedal work = God!
  2. Nels does have a different sound than Jay Bennett; However! I've only seen snippets of Pat's guitar work from Walken / Hoodoo Voodoo / Autumn Defense shows, but the snippets have been pretty good; he's got that Jay sound to it. And as far as Nels goes, the reason why I think he's so good is that his best moment isn't the noisy shredding in I.G., but the soft touches he has on "Either Way"'s solo. The notes he strikes in seconds 2:03 to 2:06 are so amazing.
  3. Anyone else who consider the purely-fucking-noise guitar solos in Kidsmoke to be a religious experience, and still enjoy "Either Way"?
  4. I think these songs in the studio kind of have the hell-is-chrome effect; nice and atmospheric in the studio, but i'm probably going to put some really good live bootlegs in their place instead
  5. Agreed. And there's plenty of crap on the first three albums that comes them *not* being old enough, and not having a more mature, conservative, and economical (half of BT!) sense of making music; so let's not just simply draw the line between young being great and exciting and old being bland and boring
  6. atease has compared I.G. to Television... which is accurate.
  7. seconded; though i miss pat's awesome slidework in walken
  8. either way... the greatest thing since "here comes the sun" you are my face... holy shit!!!1 walken... well, thank god i have some really good bootlegs of the canada shows last summer
  9. jesus, i walk into the tractor tavern a half hour before the start time, and who's in the bar? three people! the guy checking id's, the bartender, and fucking pat's just sitting there 10 feet away tinkering away at his laptop! then two minutes later, john walks right past me. i heard autumn defense shows are smaller, but i didn't expect this!
  10. I think soon enough, Pat and John's Autumn Defense pop sensibilities experiences will allow them to more than compensate for Jay's sense of melody.
  11. If SBS is Dad rock, then Bring on the dad rock for all I care! Screw all the cheesy youth angst and piss-poor poetic non-sequiturs in Summerteeth.
  12. > Agreed; If anything, I thought YHF was the most over-calculated album I ever heard. I like both of the Handshake Drugs versions where they stand; the album version, sonically, is very atmospheric, and seems to mesh well with Hell Is Chrome, ALTWYS, Kidsmoke, etc. Like many of the album counterparts, the studio version is very much mood based, while the live versions are more amped up and fun. Nice analysis though; I've seen so many AGIB revision ideas that pretty much ignore what the album's about, and end up destroying it rather than revising it.
  13. I just hope they don't butcher "Impossible Germany" on the album version; I don't know what happened, but some recent bootlegs I heard have seemed to lose the crescendo during the instrumental workout; anyone else prefer the original two verse / break / last verse formula?
  14. ROFLMAO at the guy yelling out "You guys are good!" at the beginning of 'Laminated Cats'!
  15. I say bring on the dad rock! If "Impossible Germany" has to be cut because it doesn't sequence with 4 variations of "thanks i get", "either way", and "what light", then so be it!
  16. On a semi-non-related note, what the hell happened to "Impossible Germany"? During some of the summer shows in Canada, there was this amazing crescendo at the end of the workout; now, it's three plodding verses, and noodling with no crescendo before it trails off; Well, not as extreme as I portray it, but still
  17. and he did a nice "Kid A" cover!
  18. On a side note, I think in the future, we'll probably be getting experimental Tweedy saved for the Loose Fur records
  19. I see him as a very competent lead guitar player who's willing to step aside and play auxillary keyboard and percussion parts for the good of the band; aside from "i'm a wheel", not really rock star posing at all.
  20. What if it means literally what it means? "Hail to the Thief" by Radiohead took me a good nine months, and "Guero" didn't even come out of its' shell 'till "The Information" came out! Some might say it as "I have a higher state of enlightenment", I say it as "I'm slow as hell! It took me forever to get this album!"
  21. >>Still, I can't help but feel like Jeff Tweedy's songwriting has taken a dive since A Ghost Is Born. The most obvious indication of this is the lyrics. These new songs don't seem to have much substance to them at all. Compare the lyrics of "Walken" to, say, "Jesus, Etc." or "She's a Jar" or even "Misunderstood." "The Thanks I Get" seems like such a generic, "I love you good, why don't you love me?" kind of song. I don't know... I agree with what someone said over the summer; I'll probably butcher the quote, but something like sometimes it's easy to confuse simplicity with shallow
  22. Also, honestly, I think given some time, Pat could outsource the Bennett niche of guitar style. He's been kind of kept to the keyboards a lot of the time, but of what I've seen from his guitar work, pretty impressive, especially "Hoodoo Voodoo".
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