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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Yeah. If I was McCain I'd want him on the trail for Barack.
  2. In other news: I heard there was a porn movie out now with a Palin look-alike in it. Hmmm...
  3. Boy did you just say something there, Mr. Tug.
  4. What a craaaazy world we live in: former W press secretary Scott McClellan endorsed Obama. I did NOT see that one comin'.
  5. Oh, I certainly hope so. We've tried.. I talked about this in the rtt, but Monday night I came home from work and my OBAMA/BIDEN sign had been stolen from my yard. I went to a friend's house (the guy who got his sign with me) and was bitching about it. He calls me up the next day - HIS sign had been stolen too! Fuckers. So I guess it's a good thing we had backup - we both just put another sign out the next day.
  6. Lou, you know I listen to you more than just for which jazz LPs to buy.
  7. I'm taking Election Day off. "Personal business". No way in hell will I be able to concentrate on work - I'm sure I'll be (even more than usual) batshit that day. Wilco, or GD? Decisions, decisions...
  8. Angela Davis ran in '76 - you didn't vote for her?
  9. Yes. It gets to the core of my being.
  10. Todd - seriously - pick up this record if you get the chance man. You can trust me.
  11. Good call. When I saw them live in '84 Cy's microphone was the walky-talky from that vid - pretty cool. I always thought Curnin's lyrics were well above the average pop fodder. I think I've read where he was a psych or philo major.
  12. Yeah! I saw the infamous Bill Maher on some show the other night (Larry King, maybe?) and he made the analogy of Barack being the "Jackie Robinson of Presidential Politics". Pretty spot on I think - think about how much hateful, hurtful shit has been thrown at him. Think about how unrattled and unflappable he's been. He HAS to be cool - just like Jackie was - just play the game as fair and square as you can. Don't let the bastards bait you into getting all hot-headed, that's what they want.
  13. "The first word in this song is discorporate...it means to leave your body"
  14. I really need to upgrade my SRC album "Milestones" to CD. A great piece of psych-garage pop.
  15. We couldn't be more excited that it's your birthday! Have a great day, girl!
  16. Jesus. Has he forgot RULE #1: never alter your meds during a presidential campaign? Does he not remember Ed Muskie?
  17. Oh thanks. I just spent all of my money.
  18. Yes. Unfortunately we didn't learn our lesson.
  19. I was 16 when this record came out. You could not go ANYWHERE without hearing it - it seemed to be one of the few records that both girls and guys liked equally well. We had a local teenage garage band (The Cooper Bros.) that had nearly the whole damn album in their sets.
  20. All the years combine... Hope your day is the best!
  21. Well, the 7/15/01 is a very special show to me for a number of reasons (the second set in particular is very hot - Stronger Than Dirt!, and 11/10/01 (the night Ken Kesey died) is a pretty dark and powerful show. 12/31 with the 'reunion' is a good one. None of these circulate as SBDs to my knowledge, but I'm probably wrong. The AUDs I have are very sweet though.
  22. Anybody who hasn't been reading q23 in here is missing the boat imo. edit: And a number of other folks as well. You know who you are!
  23. I concur. Although I have seen Warren bring the house down with stuff like "Sugaree".
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