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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Well, that's a new twist on sentencing! If Ted Poe were still a judge he'd probably have the dude listening to an endless loop of "Ballad of the Green Berets" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic".
  2. either way leave me (like you found me) on and on and on -seeing a trend here? pieholden suite when you wake up feeling old special mention to ITMWLY...just because of being extremely overplayed.
  3. Good Lord. You know, I could not help but notice ALL of those people were of the caucasian persuasion. Verdict: it's true - Whitey is the Devil.
  4. I thought he grew up to be John Holmes.
  5. We know what we're up against here in Hoosierland, but we're trying, really trying to change some of those attitudes. Indiana really IS the Alabama of the north (sorry, Alabamans). I want this state to turn blue (for the first time since '64) SO badly.
  6. Jim Morrison faked his death and is still alive somewhere.
  7. I'm not keeping score, but there seems to be a whole bunch of folks that really dig Poor Places. Cheers to you all. It just might be my favorite.
  8. I think the best political lyrics are those that don't just come out point blank and say things. Like setting a newspaper or magazine article to music. When things are vague enough for the listener to draw their own conclusions, that's what I dig the most. Robert Hunter was a genius at that - you knew he was talking about revolution, but it was expressed in metaphor.
  9. Cheers to you both, Moe and Matt. I think we all agree on this: if they're gonna do this thing, then by God do it with the respect it deserves. It's too important to go jacking off onstage.
  10. Hey, we were talking about decent musical artists. I think (in general) rock/folk musicians are more liberal, and country musicians are more conservative. But I really couldn't care less what their political leanings are. edit: the first sentence was in response to Jules re: Nuge and Kid Rock
  11. "reported" Seriously though, I'm sure they're out there. I just don't know any.
  12. Aww c'mon MChris. Those people will all burn in hell - everyone knows the Fightin' Irish is GOD'S TEAM.
  13. b. 10.9.40 It's Johnny's Birthday!
  14. Has The Letterman Factor been discussed yet? Two weeks after McCain didn't show up for his show, and Dave is still ripping him a new asshole every night. I wish I knew what Johnny thinks about that.
  15. Griddles - shoot me a PM if you'd like (B&P).
  16. I thought it was me! What are the odds of us both doing all those shows and still never meeting each other?
  17. Yeah. I need this like I need a heartbeat - maybe some kind family member will think about this for a birfday present.
  18. To my knowledge the '94, '95, '96 and '98 shows are complete - with bonus material as well on the '98 show.
  19. Just a thought here: when the dot-com bubble began to bust THAT was when there should have been a heavy push by the movers and shakers towards a green revolution. Seems obvious now, but at the time it might have seemed risky, and with real estate zooming (and deregulation) the housing market was easy money. All good things come to an end, but there's no time to waste - Green might be the only way out of this mess, for both jobs and investment.
  20. She didn't mention it, but it was corrected immediately. I have no doubt she knew who did it.
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