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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Let's face it kids - the financial chickens have finally came home to roost. Call it what you want..Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down (although I prefer "Trickle On" - piss on the commoners), whatever. Before anyone gets the wrong impression here, I'm not happy about this. It's a sad sad time. But really, who couldn't see this coming years and years ago?
  2. Don't try to get it off. You'll fit right in at your local emo-screamo club.
  3. I love Tina. But - Stanley Clarke... School Days.
  4. I dunno about gnomes, but those damn racist lawn jockey things are fair game - we once went around town and painted the black faces over with white paint. Good times.
  5. Poot? Happy Happy Birthday to a sweet girl, and one of VC's finest!
  6. I've always found that HST's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72" and the Allman's "Live at Fillmore East" is a good combination.
  7. The Playin' from 5/26/93 is not to be missed - very scary. I tried to hit PT tonight for the first time in awhile and I couldn't connect to the server. Hmmm.
  8. I still think this is one of the most brillant albums of rock music ever put on vinyl. Unequivocably my favorite FZ record. It's obscene at times without being overtly 'vulgar'. The sickness and perversion the satire describes is not so profanely worded that it couldn't be played on the radio. In fact, one of my first exposures to FZ was when I was just a kid and I heard "Brown Shoes" (along with "Yellow Snow" which was current at the time) on the Dr. Demento show. Dr. D also loved "Who Are The Brain Police?". And who doesn't?
  9. Yeah, very great! Restrained, no frills grooves. The version of Little Wing (about a month after Hendrix died) is pretty powerful stuff. You've probably watched it already but that footage of Derek/Dominoes from the Cash show is pretty awesome. I'm glad there is video footage of that band.
  10. He may come off as an atheist in the movie (I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to) but there are numerous instances in both print and television where Maher says that he doesn't really know for sure. I can't really argue with that.
  11. Well, to be honest, the situation deteriorated a long time ago. In the primaries, I think. I'll give HRC some major credit - she played hard and it has seemed to toughen Obama up. Think about how much shit has already been thrown at him. Barring some crazy October surprise the best punches have already been thrown, and been deflected for the most part. If I'm McCain I'd be concerned about this coming up during debate. Fair or not it could be pretty damaging. And timely.
  12. About damn time imo, Edie. Barack has shown a great deal of restraint in not bringing this up - it seems almost too easy, but why not do it? I was on the phone with a good friend tonight and we were both wondering why this hasn't been used. With the exception of Olbermann you hardly even hear about this in the (television) media. Given the current financial situation this can only be another nail in McCain's coffin.
  13. I guess I should know better. After getting totally disgusted with the Colts I left and went grocery shopping. 21 points in 5 minutes? Damn. Hey, thanks Steelers! Way to pull that one out.
  14. No kidding! Our good friends (and Wilco lovers) Ray and Juliette are flying out to LA from Ohio to see this. VERY jealous.
  15. No worries guys. Everyone is pretty vigilant here...and wtf do I need Tramadol or porn for anyway?
  16. Way to go Lauren! We are VERY proud of you. I cannot even imagine - I did a mini once when I was 15 - well over 30 years ago. No way I could do it now.
  17. Wow. It's $3.57 here in IN - pretty damn high, but still 60 cents lower than it was immediately after Ike. My prediction: under 3 bucks before the election, and then a sharp spike upward once again (providing there's no international crisis between now and then).
  18. To carry over from the Phish is back thread here's a very good show from the '92-'95 time frame: 10/5/94 - The Spectrum, Philly PA I: Jack Straw, FOTD, Wang Dang Doodle, Jack-A-Roe, Queen Jane, Lazy River Road, Eternity (Bob on acoustic), Deal II: Midnight Hour, Cumberland, Playin' > UJB > Drums > Space > Miracle > SOTM > Sugar Mag E:Quinn Jerry remained onstage throughout Drums - always a good thing. October '94 was really a last hurrah of sorts - after what was probably the worst GD tour in history (summer '94) the fall tour was much much better. This show and the
  19. I'd have to agree. I'm a big fan of Cream, but this is easily the best I've heard him post Cream. Even if some think EC's a washed up old hack (and I know some do) this is a really smokin record.
  20. To my ears, Wilco is actually accessible - I can't imagine people not being able to at least tolerate the stuff. When we have people over I usually to try steer clear of turning them on to my Anthony Braxton or Sun Ra or whatever - unless I want them to leave.
  21. Well if that's the case then you two must come to Indy as well.
  22. Tracy, did you hear Bernie Sanders during the bailout debate? His amendment was basically 'eat the rich'. He is a goddamn hero in my book.
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