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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I hope we all agree on one thing: the uber P&F lineup was the one with Herring and Haynes. that lineup during '01 was one of the best bands I've ever seen - any style, anywhere.
  2. It's ok man. We're all getting a little tired as this thing comes to a close. Hey, at least you didn't have to canvass 57 states!
  3. Me too. They were at the top of their game then. That next LP (the one with "Secret Separation") wasn't quite as good, and then I lost track of them after that.
  4. I have a VHS of the '84 tour. If I had the ability to transfer it to DVD I would totally send it to you.
  5. It has L.E.D. lights on the frets. Looks really cool when they play with little lighting.
  6. Flick, you KNOW I loved these guys. Those first 3 LPs are excellent. "Phantoms" in particular.
  7. I do have Concert for Kampuchea on VHS - I taped it off of USA's Night Flight back in the day ('85-ish). I return to it every few years or so - a really good film imo.
  8. If I ever do you will be among the first to know.
  9. Wtf is up with this 5-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust passing game? Down 20 in the 4th quarter is NOT the time for a ball control passing game. You gots to move the ball up the damn field. Someone needs to get the play calling in order here.
  10. Oh, no, not in the least. I guess I was just wanting this thing to be really good. I won't spend 20 bucks for Michelle and I to go to a theatre to see it, but a 3 dollar rental? Sure.
  11. OH. Hell, I thought you were asking about the show last week! I just went back to the pic you mentioned - that is pretty strange. Billy's bass drum almost has a 3D look to it. The house lights are obviously up. Could be some weird reflection I guess.
  12. Sounded pretty spot on to me. And I do love b2 as well.
  13. I don't think so. But most of the time I was just dancing and looking around at the room to see everyone doing the same. I wasn't paying much attention to the stage. I did notice whenever there was a big change in the direction of the music coming Phil would speak into his microphone (as he does with P&F) and then the chords/tempo would change. That seems to be a pretty effective way to do things, especially if they're not a regular touring band.
  14. Well, thanks for that Ellen. I guess I'll just rent the movie and watch it at home.
  15. That was innaresting. Jerry said something about "Stephen" one time (I'm paraphrasing here): "Stephen is like our musical litmus test - you can tell if we're ON or not by how that song is played". It really is a pretty sophisticated tune considering that it's basically just 3 chords (e-d-a). All of those little pauses and changes in tempo can make it a real cumbersome song to perform, I'd guess.
  16. Maybe Kyle will shut the board down that day for "routine maintenance".
  17. Yes. I've had that tune stuck in my head for the last week or so. It doesn't help matters that my wife loves that tune and always wants me to play it on the guitar.
  18. I'm thinkin' a Wilco/Dead double bill, Lou. How awesome would THAT be?
  19. Welcome, Crush! Things have changed for the better around here in the last few weeks - you can now openly talk about Phish if you are so inclined.
  20. Any tune the Dead has ever played (with the obvious exception of Samba in the Rain).
  21. Thanks for posting this Austrya - I kinda slept in and missed MTP. Colin Powell is/was one of the very few in the Bush Admin with any integrity, and for that those bastards left him hanging out to dry - shameful. As the standard bearer for the Republican Party McCain should have the final say of the direction the party has taken, and he let the Rove wing of the party set agendas that are not in the spirit of bipartisanship so Powell's endorsement is very telling.
  22. PM on the way! edit: I'm not really interested in the house pics
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