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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Ugly, indeed. I'm happy for you man, but I just could not watch the entire game (especially after watching both the Colts and Pats games).
  2. Thanks for the review DKN. This sounds like you had an evening of disturbingly powerful (and powerfully disturbing ) music. Wish I could've been there.
  3. I couldn't say it any better myself. I don't know anymore about this than you, but I've always had the overriding philosophy "if you can't afford to lose, you can't afford to play". Needless to say, I'm not a player.
  4. I know you're just joking around, but there is NOTHING imo more exasperating or annoying than a stage mom. Trust me on this.
  5. A wise old (now dead) man once said, "Politics is the art of controlling your environment", and I choose to believe it is so. If you live in this country you (with very very few exceptions) are subject to the legislation of elected officials. So - if you want to live your life in the manner you wish it only makes sense to seek out people running for office that closely share your views. They are 'representatives' after all. Sometimes you get a representative that could not be farther from your views about the world. That's when you work to get those people booted out of office. I know that I
  6. Hmm now...who would McCain invite to play? Toby Kieth? Kenny G? Michael Friggin Bolton?
  7. What - you didn't see the one about Hill? We could use another though.
  8. I figured it was my turn. Biden has released his tax returns - will Palin do the same? Hmm.
  9. Didn't Johnny B. Goode say that we shouldn't do that? That Pakistan is sovereign nation? Oh yeah, that was LAST MONTH. Personally - I'm not necessarily opposed to this.
  10. I concur heartedly with the distinguished gentlelady from the great state of Missouri.
  11. I've only seen that movie one time, a very long time ago. I do remember Santana doing an outstanding take on Miles' "In a Silent Way".
  12. I don't know that I've ever heard those words before. "If you stay you face certain death". DAMN. Good luck brothers and sisters down there. We're thinking of you.
  13. Happy Birthday to Mr. Hart - 65 years old today!
  14. Man, I'll never forget sitting down with my kids (aged 15, 12 and 9 at the time) and trying to explain the hard-to-explain to them. It was the first time I really feared for their future.
  15. Don't forget to pre-order Egypt kids!
  16. I think I'd rather have a beer with Barack. So there's that. And...things are bound to get more and more ugly - it's just a sad fact of American politics - BUT...folks, let's try to remember, there's more that unites us than divides us. And, at the end of the day, we're all Americans - so there's really no reason not to be cool with each other. 95% of us are here because we love Wilco. :: gets off of soapbox, cranks up "Comment"::
  17. Any number of songs by the Pied Piper of Peace - Donovan. For now, I'll go with Jennifer Juniper.
  18. You have legitimate concerns there. I stick out like a sore thumb here in Kornfield Kounty.
  19. I'll second (or third) the Tampa show. One of my favorites from that era. As for post '03 - the 10/13/05 Indy show is outstanding! I was there and it still might be my favorite Wilco show I've attended. It's a shame though that no SBD circulates (at least that I know of). The Murat Theatre has notoriously boomy acoustics if you're not dead center.
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