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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. It's really sad that you would have to rely on Fred Thompson to galvanize a crowd. He did seem to do that at points in his speech, but to me it really says more about the crowd gathered there than anything else. I can't talk about The Leeb. It's just too depressing.
  2. Happy Birthday to one of the coolest people on this here board! Hope you have a great day.
  3. 9/2/68 - Betty Nelson's Organic Raspberry Farm, Sultan WA (Sky River Music Festival) Dark Star > Saint Stephen > The Eleven > Death Don't Have No Mercy*, Cryptical Envelopement > The Other One > Cryptical Reprise, Alligator > Caution Jam > Feedback * cuts out at the beginning What a great early example of the band morphing into the classic band of the Live Dead era. TC's celestial keys are not yet present (he would join about 10 weeks later), but the rest of the band is pretty much on fire from the first notes. Dark Star is only about 10 minutes, and still a bit spee
  4. I'm not above doing something like this, but I swear it wasn't me.
  5. Yeah. Even though I've heard things like "Whole Lotta Rosie" a million times, I'll be damned if I don't crank that sucker up to ear-splitting levels every time it comes on.
  6. Yeppers! I can't wait to see his new movie "Religulous".
  7. I would expect concert sales to do really well. They're still kind of a 'rite of passage' band I would think - if you're a teenager (boy especially) how could you not like 'em? Plus, there's probably still a good number of old farts who will be there for a good dose of nostalgia. I know you can't turn on a classic rock radio station here without them being played once an hour.
  8. I'd be hard pressed to think of anyone who didn't have that record in this town when it came out. My senior year in HS (when it came out) you couldn't go anywhere without hearing it blasting away. Still, for me, if it ain't Bon I'm really not interested.
  9. This story has to be one of the most beyond the pale strange things I've ever heard of. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief.
  10. I'm extremely jealous here. Have a good time you all - I hope Ornette reduces your brains to a smoldering cinder.
  11. Umm, let's see...he was a teenager in Hawaii in the late '70s. If he didn't inhale I'd be disappointed.
  12. In a way it's really quite astonishing how well the 12/31/78 holds up on both tape and video. The band was at such a low ebb spiritually at that time - Jerry was just starting to get knee-deep with opiates, Phil was in the "Heineken Years", both Kieth and Donna were a mess (in fact, they were fired/quit just 6 weeks later). This (closing of the Winterland) was one of the few instances where they brought their A game to a major event. The bonus footage during set break with Kesey and Weir is alone worth the cost imo, especially if you're aware of what was going down backstage!
  13. Damn, did this thread move while I was away or what? I've mulled this over in my mind off-and-on all day, and I still am just dumbstruck, flabbergasted, etc. Palin may be an awesome human being, I don't know. But to think that McCain made this decision after meeting Palin exactly one time just floors me! This is truly one of the most far-out things I've ever heard of in a Presidential election. This just seems to be potentially a reckless decision - which once again brings us back to comparing McCain to the ultimate reckless decider GWB.
  14. Thanks IRDB for getting my Friday off on the right foot. Oh, and congrats - many years of happiness to you both.
  15. Oh this is good news! I'm up much later than usual due to a change in my working hours so I will definitely tune in.
  16. Oh, I meant that what will happen during a possible Barack presidency remains to be seen. I think this is quite possibly the best thing to happen to American politics in my lifetime. I'm truly stoked, Kyle. Sorry if my post made you think otherwise.
  17. A man is "addicted" to sex. Unimaginable.
  18. b2, I'm not busting on you man, but it kind of saddens me to see you so cynical at your age. Trust me, I'm a natural-born cynic myself, but we saw history being made tonight. Whether it's for good or ill remains to be seen.
  19. b2, your Rep is a rising star. I thought of you when he introduced Bill the other night.
  20. Edie, I'll bet you, like me, have been following conventions for many years. Have you ever seen a better one than this? I don't think I have. Every major speaker killed it this week - Michelle, Hill, Bill, Kerry, Al, Joe, Barack - they all brought their "A" game. In November '04 I sort of lost my way with all of this. HST called that election "The Death Of Hope", and I think that was an appropriate description (at least for me). The road will be rough, be we can do this thing, and I couldn't be happier right now about the possibilities.
  21. Within 10 minutes of meeting Louie we were discussing avant-garde jazz - I knew I was gonna like this dude.
  22. Crow, that was very very good. I'm glad you posted.
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