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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080926/ap_on_...ancial_meltdown Today: supposedly the last day before the congressional vacation. Anyone wanna take dibs on what the Dow does today? Steny Hoyer did say Thursday that they could stay "as long as it takes" to get it together. Which might be precisely the point - show the people you're working off the clock to get the job done. This might play real good in places.
  2. Well now, here's an interesting thing: a group of House GOP folk walked out of bailout talks - evidently the proceedings weren't going to their liking. They want (dig this) less oversight - let the market work itself out. Am I getting this right? This could be either the dumbest thing I've ever heard of, or a true political masterstroke: since W and the Dems now seem to be somewhat on the same page with this bailout legislation the incumbent House Reps are now gonna run on a campaign of "Anti-Bush/Anti-Dem 'socialism' legislation" - actually running against a man they have basically been in
  3. Thank you Lou. I just about shit myself at the "Ray-Gun cleaning up the mess" post. Good God that sunsabitch put us the road we're now on.
  4. Absolutely. Really, there's hardly been a day in some time now that I don't get my mind blown in some fashion. I know I've heard a lot of "God, I just wish this shit would finally get over" and similar statements, but I don't know if I ever want it to end! This shit has been going on for nearly 2 years - I won't know what to do when it's finally over.
  5. You know, if these silly fucks want to suspend their campaign because the crisis is just too important then I say go back to DC and save the economy and let Barack and Joe take the White House by default.
  6. I hope you all just saw Letterman. He was on fire folks. I've never seen such a brutal drubbing of McSame.
  7. Well, a win's a win. Seriously though - as we were talking about last night - I think we cannot stress enough how important it is to get the young folks out to vote. Barack has signed up so many new voters, and if they make it to the polls I don't think it will be that close. That's what I think right now. My mind will change 100 times before 11/4.
  8. Keep your fingers crossed here too! We haven't been Blue since LBJ in '64.
  9. Just a heads up for all who don't already know: if you pre-order both the Egypt '78 CD/DVD combo and the new Road Trips Vol. 4 before 9/30 you get them both for $49.99. RT #4 should be a beaut - the Oct. '78 "From Egypt With Love" run at Winterland. I have some of this run on tape and it's really really good. Cippolina shows up, Lee Oskar, etc.
  10. Well, I have lost all perspective (of course ), but I would say yes. I mentioned a few pages back about a really nice, long biography (done Robert Greenfield-style) about Dick Latvala in the Addendum.
  11. Thanks for posting that jc4 - someone did some homework there!
  12. Me too, Dan. I've never understood why anyone would care about this. And if there are anyone homophobes out there - go move your ass to Iran. According to Ahmedinejad there are no gay people there!
  13. Oh man. I just got a call from a buddy in Dayton: "I got 2 tickets for the Obama thing on 10/13. Wanna go?" I'm stunned.
  14. We'll see. I know if my kids don't get to the polls their shit will be out in the street on Nov. 5.
  15. That may be possible. I'll see what can be done.
  16. I've read where Senator Joe is the poorest Senator. Thanks for posting this MrRain. Very interesting.
  17. Yeah, it's listings and reviews of shows that were unearthed after I II & III were published - nearly all of it deals with the first 6-7 years. There's a couple of shows from the early '80s but of course after the comeback in '76 almost everything is documented (due to the aud tapers).
  18. Let's hope it's a celebration! Congrats on your good luck Lynch!
  19. I think you hit it man. I have nothing to add.
  20. Congrats and Happy Birthday to you man. Younger folk such as yourself give me much hope for the future.
  21. Yes, it would be heretical in my view to see one of the very few bands that has any integrity left to lower their standards and do something like that.
  22. I got many of those tunes on cassette - folks used a lot of that stuff as filler on side B. If you've never heard No Tomorrow I hope you find it out there. It's so beautiful and poignant - it'll choke you up for sure.
  23. I saw an Other Ones show (Phil, Bobby, Mickey, Bill, Herring, Haynes and Barraco) in December '02 and they opened with Cold Rain > Till the Morning Comes - when they went into TTMC the roof nearly blew off the place. Completely unexpected, and very exciting indeed.
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