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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Well, I'm not sure where you're going there. I admit, I (along with probably 95% of Americans) knew zilch about Palin before her nomination - and it seems like everyday there's some story about her that makes me think why would JM choose such a polarizing figure for VP? Maybe that's his point, I don't know.
  2. The first time I heard IATTBYH my first thought was, "this is what Syd Barrett records might sound like if he were still making them".
  3. Yep, it's only been what, 10 days, and the shit keeps coming out about this woman. Is there still anyone around who thinks McCain properly vetted this woman?
  4. Whaddya mean, "Palin's religious views are off-limits"? Seems like it didn't work that way for Barack. I don't see the media rolling over on this angle. Q: Have you ever spoken in tongues? SP: ...... See, if she says "no", the Christian Conservatives will call her out for be a hypocrite. If the answer is 'yes' then the independents will say "whoa, that's certainly not a mainstream idea". The sad thing about all of this is now we're back to the old divisive bullshit we always have to go through. I'd much rather hear about the war, or the economy.
  5. I don't know about this. Perhaps you should enlighten yourself and read Mr. Owsley Stanley's thoughts on the subject of vegetables.
  6. That 9/8/73 show is very very good, especially the segment Aman posted. It also has one of only a handful of live versions of Kieth's "Let Me Sing Your Blues Away". I've never heard the 9/12 W&M show. But the previous night has some of Phil's very best playing imo. He takes a solo during Dark Star that will rattle the phlegm in your lungs!
  7. Yes indeed - these should be in constant rotation. Thanks for posting these Solace. "Johnny B. Goode's Armageddon Angel"
  8. Good looking kids there man. Also, you are a dead ringer for one of my oldest pals (Randy Hinshaw). It's truly uncanny!
  9. I didn't, but it smells like Phil Gingrey to me. Is that the guy?
  10. Yeah, that was brilliant! The best example of "McSame" that I've seen to date.
  11. Born September 8, 1945 "I think it's safe to say that we ALL loved Pigpen" - Jerry Garcia
  12. Thanks for the heads up jc4. I guess I'll wander over to the 'green board' and see how many threads/mock threads are devoted to this. Wish me luck!
  13. Solid game from Da Bears. I was pretty puzzled with the Colt's offensive game plan tonight - I think Jeff Saturday was missed. Usually you'd see Manning make a defense pay for some of those blitzes, but to go long takes an extra second - and not having Saturday back there to help protect made his pass choices a little weak. I think he afraid of getting Brady'd.
  14. Happy Birfday Jules! Hope your day is filled with good food, good beer, and good friends.
  15. The Kentucky Thunder is one the truly great bluegrass bands. I have a vid where they set in with SCI and it is just killer! That kid on the guitar is simply unreal. What an amazing flatpicker he is.
  16. Nice call man. I was thinking about this song the other day, and thought of posting it in the "One Song" thread but it works even better here.
  17. If you were here I would totally buy you a beer of your choosing.
  18. I agree. And when I think of all the candidates that were running on the Republican side in January we sure could have done much much worse than McCain (getting the nomination). It's really too bad that he isn't the '00 McCain anymore. One thing I found really strange was the talk (tonight especially) about reforming Washington. Did everyone there forget that it was a Republican Administration/Congress that got us into the current situation? McCain addressed this briefly, saying. "we lost our way and let Washington change us" - the only time in 4 days that I recall anyone mentioning that th
  19. Wow Crow. I don't know what to say. Thanks for posting.
  20. Interesting last 10 pages here - post Palin speech. I don't know what everyone was expecting. She at least came off better than Dan Quayle did 20 years ago - and he won the job! I could totally envision Biden (during a debate) delivering a devaststing line like Bentsen's "you're no John Kennedy" to Palin and having it be of no consequence, ultimately. We shall see. This thing continues to stay morbidly interesting to me.
  21. Yep. Or wanting to ban books in a library, or supporting Pat Buchanan in '00, or...
  22. Nice! Yeah, the Addendum is great - there's a big tribute to Latvala in that one that is a great read. Lots of interviews with family and friends, lots of pics, etc.
  23. Manet and Monet Went strollin' down the Elysees Pickin' out pastels, and other kinds of paint Rene said to Claude "I got some rouge here that's really odd And this indigo from Cairo makes it hard to use restraint" Have a great day old man (I can call you that for a few months, anyway). You're the best dude.
  24. I can't claim to know the man, but I also can't help but wonder what JG's take on this would be. He was so resolutely apolitical by nature that the thought of supporting ANY politician would probably make him cringe. Also - Aman, that would be an awesome thing to attend. Wish I could be there.
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