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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Janis' boyfriend on the Festival Express was Marmaduke from NRPS. Pig was with Veronica at that point, although I think (?) I've seen a pic of her on that tour but I'm not 100% on that.
  2. First thought, best thought: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM8VF8PhSpE
  3. That configuration was a direct result of the way the stage at Nectar's (a smallish Burlington club where they honed their craft) was laid out. They kept that as they moved on to bigger venues.
  4. I'm about 99% sure that's from the Sky River Festival, 9/2/68 - one of the better shows that got circulated early on. I LOVE that show.
  5. Yeah, unfortunately! I still think the 1st record is one the truly great debut LPs. The first disc really has only 3 Top 40 tunes, and they're still very strong, no cheese. Kath's work on Poem 58 might be my favorite thing they ever did. Then the second disc is serious, serious jazz-blues rock jamming, with Kath just killing all over the place. I've had that record (my parents bought it but were put off by the more jammy stuff) since it came out. It's still a thrilling experience for me to listen to. I never think of it first off when you talk about the Holy Trinity of Clapton/Page/Beck, bu
  6. I have 45-50 minutes of 12/5/71 on a bootleg LP. My first (of two) LP boots (the other is 6/14/85 ftr). Nothing special, other than "Muddy Water" - it's just songs.
  7. I've seen KC 3 times ('84, '95, '01) and every time it was one of the best shows I have ever been to.
  8. It's hard for me to describe - although everyone in the original lineup were really really good players, and Paul no doubt is a major talent, for some reason they never really clicked with me (outside of a few songs). This is purely just an opinion, but I kind of see Bad Company as being part of the beginnings of true Corporate Rock - the type where artistic concerns came in second to an eye for airplay in the burgeoning FM market, and massive sales. I know it most likely isn't the case, I just get the feeling there were suits in a boardroom somewhere going, "Hey - Zeppelin sales are off the
  9. 47 years ago today: the (to my knowledge) first acoustic set the GD ever performed. Quite a few rarities in set 1, and a very good Dark Star of the late TC period. https://archive.org/details/gd69-12-26.sbd.murphy.1821.sbeok.shnf EDIT: Ha! I guess the set (4 tunes) from a week earlier on 12/19 is the first, per DeadBase. But I haven't heard that one, so there!
  10. I don't know of bands doing PPV (movie theaters, etc.)but there was most definitely that going on for boxing. I think Ali/Frazier '71 was the earliest I've ever heard of.
  11. I agree with all of this. Jon actually is a pretty funny dude from what I know. And Bill is #1 all time in Rock for me.
  12. ^ All of this is pretty exciting stuff. Hell, 3:55? We could all go much longer than that if it's really good. I sure hope it will be.
  13. The fan. The Almighty Fan. I don't care if it's 20 below zero outside, the fan. There will be no sleep without The Fan. The only thing that will silence the box of crickets in my ears.
  14. LOVE this story! I've met quite a few people over the years, but easily the best was dinner with the David Nelson Band at a private home in December 2002. After the meal a few of us retired to a sunroom/porch for an after dinner smoke. I was able to talk at length with David - I mentioned NOTHING about Garcia, NRPS, or even music. We discussed a few of his passions - comic books (he has an astounding collection, apparently), and The Civil War, of which he is a huge buff. Very engaging, wicked smart, well read guy. Just like you would hope for.
  15. They're ok. I much prefer Megalomania and The Writ as side closers however.
  16. I would go with Sabotage and Paranoid, but I would almost as easily say Masters and Vol 4. All of the first 6 are really good. I would have to say that Sabbath Bloody Sabbath might be my least favorite of that period, though. The title track, Killing Yourself To Live are top shelf Sabbath, but much of the rest of the LP seems overproduced. Not heavy enough. How much more would I like a song like Who Are You, slowed down a bit and stripped down to the basics? Sabotage seems to find a much more happy medium between production and balls to the wall riffage.
  17. Oh hell yeah I'm all about the Jim Symphony. Listen to it every year!
  18. That is fantastic! And I agree about Supertzar - I saw Sabbath a few times back in the very early 80s and that was their walk-on music.
  19. Ever Since The World Ended is a lovely, humorous cut from Mose. Seems appropriate now more than ever.
  20. I've always thought side 1 of Sabotage stands up against any side Sabbath ever recorded. It's really a major piece of work from them.
  21. The HC Sunshine > Space > Bobby McGee alone is worth the price of the CDs. Killer Eyes (per usual) as well.
  22. I saw RHCP in some little cement block hole-in-the-wall called "Hoosier Ballroom" in 1986. They had 2 LPs out (S/T & Freaky Styley?) about that time. The place could not have held more than 150 people. All ages. Thelonious Monster opened. They were, without a doubt, the most disorganized, unprofessional band I've ever seen. My garage band at the time would have sounded like a great band compared to what I saw LOL. The Peppers were the most crazy fun energetic band! The vibe between Flea & Anthony was amazing.
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