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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. You sound like you're familiar with the political stylings of Mr. Poe. I was in and out of the room while this tirade was going on, but I swear I heard him advocating a public stoning - not the fun kind.
  2. In keeping with the spirit of Jerry Week, NP: Dick's Picks #31 Culled from 8/4,5 and 6 of '74. I can't recommend this one enough. These were the last shows before the small European Tour in September (hilariously, although probably not accurately, documented in Scully's book). Both versions of Playin' are here, and the Playin' > Scarlet > Playin' from 8/6 is frighteningly good.
  3. Of course, Rep. Ted Poe (aka "The Voice Of Reason") put his two cents worth on the subject on Lou Dobbs Tonight. Please vote this guy out in November - please.
  4. Mild-mannered supermen are held in kryptonite And the wise and foolish virgins giggle With their bodies glowing bright Through the door, a harvest feast Is lit by candlelight It's the bottom of a staircase That spirals out of sight The Carpet Crawlers heed their callers: "We've got to get in to get out We've got to get in to get out We've got to get in...TO GET OUT!" Happy Birthday to my fellow lover of the Prog. Hope to see you 'round these parts again real soon, and thanks for the Stereolab!
  5. Well now. Not an evening I'm likely to forget, for a number of reasons. First off, it was great to see Vince again. Didn't get to see Wendy or Tamala though - sorry we missed you guys! We had 20 folks from home all sitting with us. Wonderful. As soon as I saw Jeff capoed at 3 and heard him strum the opening notes I KNEW. I got my song - many thanks to the band for this, it made me as happy as I've ever been at a Wilco show. Nels was as fierce as I've ever heard him with the band. He tore it up all night, and the Voodoo was a spine-tingler! I'll spare the drama, but there was an
  6. Happy Birthday man! Hopefully we'll see ya tomorrow - I'll be the dude sweating a lot!
  7. We're all out there in GA-land. See you there!
  8. I'll bet you didn't know this, but "mahna mahna" means HAPPY BIRFDAY! Have a great day Kate!
  9. Very true. Hell, he was 43 (younger than I am now) when he slipped into the coma in '86. Despite his overweening fondness for central nervous system stimulants, it could be said that the worst thing he did to his body was the lifelong 2-pack-a-day unfiltered Camels habit. None of this, of course, can explain Keef still rockin' out at age 64.
  10. I always thought the "boomer" thing was '46-'64, but that seems a little long.
  11. I love the CSNY story from Bill Graham's book. When they played the Fillmore East in '70. Sounded like they were pretty full of themselves already.
  12. Cool! Was that the show that ended up with riot cops and tear gas etc. outside the stadium? Some kind of Weathermen shit protesting that music should be "free for THE PEOPLE".
  13. Yeah. We do the Jerry Week thing here. It's always nice to do a marathon of GD music - shit, there were years when that's all I'd play. Maybe we'll kick it off with 8/1/82.
  14. I saw the repeat of this tonight - thanks for the heads up Mike! I loved this bit: SC: Have you guys written any new political material? Maybe a tune called "The Surge Is Working"?
  15. As always Bjornicus, your logic is impeccable and nearly impossible to debate.
  16. These guys are my fucking heroes. I'll be there on 9/19.
  17. Ok, I'm now listening to the 7/30/97 Bowie > Cities > Bowie (a fine version but not my fave by any means) and it got me to thinking: there might be a couple of dozen Phish tunes that nearly always blow me away (YEM, Antelope, Reba! , Hood, etc.) but I will unequivocally state that the #1 song for me is David Bowie. It is a perfect example of all that I love about the band - the few, inane lyrics, the first section that has some of tightest, most difficult rock music to play this side of Zappa, and the two chord jam in the second half that could go anywhere...and often did! This was t
  18. 7/31/82 - Manor Downs, Austin TX II: Scarlet > Fire > Estimated > Eyes > Drums > Space > Uncle John's > Truckin' > Dew > Sat. Nite E: Don't Ease I only listed the second set because that's all I own. With all due respect to the wonderful shows from the Spring, and the Frost shows in October, this might possibly be my favorite set from all of '82. Although the pre-drums was played in this order many times who in their right mind would complain? The transition from Eyes into the drums is a unique moment to my ears - just Brentski and the drummers, and Brent go
  19. Dammit IRDB, I've defended you before around here, but this is too much! This is the correct answer.
  20. Yeah. Especially at 3 in the morning. This is probably a top 20 album for me, and has been for a long time.
  21. Bump. Hope to see some of you there! Should be a fun night - August 4 is also Barack's birthday!
  22. "A man's gonna do what he's gotta do When he's got hungry mouths to feed"
  23. I'd have to look it up, but isn't Stevens one of the kings of pork? The "Bridge To Nowhere", etc.?
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