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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. ...made me realize that there is another band that can blow my mind besides the Good Ol' Grateful Dead!
  2. ...I got my Mom for her 67th birthday. She called me today to tell me that it hasn't left her CD player for a week and "Scott, I really LOVE this record!" Yet another family member gets hooked!
  3. After the "Golden" '72-'74 period I must say that '79- about '83 is my other favorite stuff. Maybe not as consistently strong but there's no doubt that bringing Brent in rejuvenated the band. Jerry was in a real bad way but sometimes he would get so far out that there were new directions being mapped out in the jams. The sad part is ( I know you all know this already) that there is not a whole lot from Brent's first few years in the vault. Not alot of care was being taken at the time...until Dick showed up in '84 or so & got the shit together. Obviously, I'm a huge fan of Latvala.
  4. It is because of the 'newness' of some of the material, but other factors also: 1) these were the very first shows after Mickey left--I would assume it took Billy some time to get back to being the only drummer (first time since Fall '67) 2) Jer was on record as saying that the sound they were going for at the time was that of a 'shoot-em-up, RXR bar band'. (Skullfuck, recorded in early '71 captures this idea). Really, imo '71 & '87 are two of the years that are a little light on mind-blowing improv..but as soon as Kieth joined in Fall '71 they really got into the jazzy Dead that we lo
  5. Happy Birthday to the distinguished gentleman from Florida!
  6. Hmmm...I can't seem to find my inbox. I could just be stupid.
  7. Yes indeed. I think it would go a long way to show the world that we can admit it when we're wrong, and we're not afraid to clean up our messes.
  9. I ate a brownie the last time I saw Waters ('06). I can't remember being more intoxicated at any time in the last 15 years as I was at that show. Oh, and it was a good show too!
  10. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  11. You poisoned my sweet water You cut down my green trees The food you fed my children Was the cause of their disease My world is slowly fallin' down And the air's not good to breathe And those of us who care enough We have to do something OH.....what you gonna do about me? OH.....what you gonna do about me? Your newspapers They just put you on They never tell you The whole story They just put your young ideas down I was wonderin'... Could this be the end Of your pride and glory? OH.....what you gonna do about me? OH.....what you gonna do about me? I work in your factories I study in you
  12. Sadly, this might be our only hope. These guys have every base covered (legally), or so it seems.
  13. His grieving widow Lotti carries on the legacy though.
  14. Believe it or not, I was setting around having beers with some friends over the weekend & the subject of the VW ads came up. We talked about the "biggest sellout" & came to the conclusion that Eric Clapton's ( a former alcoholic, who once was on record as saying "Alcohol is worse for people than heroin" or some such) shilling for Michelob beer in the '80's was the most egregious sellout ever in RXR.
  15. Ok, I was being sort of smarmy there. Sorry man. But seriously, go grab you a beer (or three), pop some corn, and dig in: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=28843 and then: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=29059 and THEN take two aspirin!!
  16. Hey, do you know a dude that goes by the name of "...." ? Just curious.
  17. Any list like this that doesn't have ANY of the original Stones is b.s.
  18. I'm actually stoked to hear this. Ferry is one of my favorites.
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