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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Now see, that's just messed up. What's next, the Spice Girls ahead of Lou's NY or something ?
  2. After reading the above posts, I just can't drag myself to read the actual list. I was kinda wanting to have a good day & I'm afraid if I read that list I'd probably want to go on a homicidal rampage.
  3. I really love that one. I still spin it on occasion..moreso than any of the LZ records. When it came out, I thought the re-interpretations of those old tunes (esp. 'Kashmir') really brought some new life to them.
  4. Grateful Dead---Fillmore West, SF 3/2/69 The Fillmore box set. 'The bus came by & I got on, that's when it all began'.
  5. I know you got your Jaco Pastoriouses, your Stanley Clarkes, your Jack Bruces, your Chris Squires...I like all them guys. BUT...Mr. Phillip Chapman Lesh is my bass player of choice. One of the most inventive, strange bassists in the world. And if you're a freak or geek ( luckily, I happen to be both ) this guy is your hero. I spent many years of my life in 'The Phil Zone'. Nothing quite like a Phil Bomb to open up your mind, and chest cavity as well! I think it's safe to say that without the influence of Phil, the Grateful Dead would have been thought of as just a great late '60's SF band.
  6. Is that where "Elizabeth Reed" came from ?
  7. I'll wait. I'm looking forward to hearing this in May, but Christ I have stacks of cds I haven't even heard yet setting around. I'd kinda like to give them a spin before I go spending a bunch of time with one record.
  8. A beautiful letter by Patti. The ability of music, and RXR in particular, to transport you from the mundane realities of everyday life is something we all know about and believe in (hopefully!). Even though her music is an acquired taste to be sure, there are few folks around that are more literate and/or thought-provoking. Raise a glass to Patti (and Fred).
  9. I saw that tour, and I bought the album. I really enjoyed both. I consider the LP to be an great party record. Side 3, in particular, ROCKS. 'Till the End of the Day' is probably my least favorite song there, but the following 'Celluloid Heroes' might be the best thing on the record imho. Just my .02.
  10. Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band--Almost Acoustic (1988) From the Oct. '87 Lunt-Fontanne run.
  11. Stereolab---4/4/04, Englewood, CO SBD A treat from Buckeye Land
  12. A fine looking young man, my friend. . Read "The Death of Nixon" every night to him at bedtime, yes ? Seriously, I'm very happy for you & Colleen. All the best.
  13. Thelonius Monster...the most unprofessional, piece of dog-doo band I've ever seen ( opened for RHCP, 11/86). I swear, on my drunkest day I still sound better than those guys.
  14. Well, let's see...just to recap: 1) Ron Artest--suspended for alleged domestic battery 2) Stephen Jackson--suspended for throwing the ball at (and cussing out) a ref 3) Jamaal Tinsley---suspended for being constantly late to practice,i.e., 'conduct detrimental to the team' #1 & #2 are no longer w/ the Pacers...can #3 be far off ?
  15. I think IU/Gonz was round #2...so do you wanna set up a little, ahem, wager ? Also, I see where there are games to be played in Spokane. Hell, just walk down the street & GO!
  16. 4 Indiana schools are in! I think it's a pretty safe bet none of them will reach the Sweet 16, though
  17. It drops a full octave every 15 years or so.
  18. YEEEAAAAHHH!! Happy Trails to you! NP: Wilco-- MilkWeg, Amsterdam 12/14/96 Featuring our beloved boy from IN, JP, on "Cold Turkey"
  19. You know I expect to see you on teh NP thread in approx. 12 hrs.
  20. Perhaps since Neil's health scare he's gonna let some stuff see the light of day. We'll see. I might have to take out a 2nd mortgage, but wtf...ya gotta have priorities!
  21. I know why you like the Missing Persons Mr. H. "Joe had a girlfriend named Mary.."
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