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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I was 32 when Kurt died, so I guess his music didn't affect me the way it might have if I was like, 15 or something. The guy wrote some good songs, but I certainly didn't think he was an 'avatar of the age' like a Dylan or Lennon. What really used to piss me off was the media calling him & Love "The John and Yoko of the Nineties". I mean, that's just flat-out ridiculous.
  2. That Bradley interveiw you quoted there seems to sum it up nicely, calvino.
  3. The song "Farewell To Kings" and "Closer To The Heart" have pretty damn good words, yes?
  4. Hardwood, I'll respectfully disagree. I guess I never really considered Rush to be "prog" in the way that Yes or ELP is, but in reading interveiws with Alex and Geddy they worshipped Yes and Zeppelin in particular - and I think that's what I hear in their music...sort of a hybrid of those two bands. Is Geddy Chris Squire or John Paul Jones? Not quite. Is Alex Steve Howe or Jimmy Page? HELL no. But imo the period from '76-'81 (2112, A Farewell To Kings, Hemispheres, Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures) is one of the better 5 LP runs around. From sprawling epics like Xanadu or Cygnus X-1 to co
  5. OTM at Fillmore East needs remastered - my copy sounds like crap.
  6. When you get yourself nice and "celebrated" tonight throw this LP on. Happy Birfday Sooie!!!
  7. 313/400. Jeez, I thought I was more progressive than that!
  8. Innaresting...I thought Truth came out just a bit before LZ I, but I'm not 100% sure on that one. It's arguable that if it weren't for the ego clashes involved with that first Beck group (splitting up right before they were to play Woodstock) they might have become as big as Zeppelin. But who knows?
  9. It's your birfday, Oblivious....so light up or leave me alone! Have a great day, dude.
  10. Happy Birthday to one of the nicest, most generous ladies on the VC!
  11. That's cool that Lemieux busted out 4/6/82 - I was thinking of posting the setlist from that show today. It's one of my favorites from Spring '82. AND, man, how cool would it be to be at one of these shows and get a minute or two to talk with David and pick his brain? Awesome. Since today's the 40th anniversary of 4/6/69 may I suggest busting out the tapes from that show? The "Other One" from that night is a psychedelic steamroller!
  12. Oh hell yes. In a (somewhat) similar vein, John Prine's "Diamonds In The Rough" is the shit too. His best record, methinks.
  13. He sings it real good - and him & Herring just rip the thing up, trading solos.
  14. That "Train Kept A Rollin' " was uber-cool. I've said it here many times, but Jeff Beck is one of the sickest guitarists that's ever lived.
  15. Live Dead. If you're listening to the CD the first 65 minutes are a perfect unbroken suite of tunes that take you from interstellar space to Saturday night at the Apollo.
  16. I wish I could have enjoyed the clip more than I did, but it was a pretty damn uncomfortable interview.
  17. Indeed! I heard a version of Sugaree that Warren sang with P&F on 7/15/01 and I'd still put it up against ANY version I've ever heard the GD do. No kidding, man - it's that powerful.
  18. The Noble Octopus - The Deepseacatfish Experience Digging on this one - order your copies now, kids!
  19. I found a way to use those old boots! Have a great day Greg!
  20. I hadn't thought of that. Wow. I heard the Mayor and Chief of Police on the tube tonight. Evidently Binghamton is a very diverse little town - they said in a town of 45K there's 32 different languages spoken at the high school. And the fact that this happened in a building where people take their exams to become American citizens makes it even more sad.
  21. Finally, some good news. I hope other states follow the example. I'd also give 100 bills just to be able to sit down with Steve King and see the look on that rat bastard's face right now!
  22. You gotta wonder what they were thinking there (Kid Rock). Then again, he guested at a Phish show once.
  23. Long time no see MLIS! I won't be at this show but I'm guessing you'll be out at Deer Creek on 6/19? Maybe we'll see ya there.
  24. Hmmm. Looks like I'll play the lotto this week and see if I can't hit for 500 bucks.
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