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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. You know what? I tend to agree with you. "Buffalo" at least has some decent lyrics (in my view). I have a friend who plays guitar and he can play the shit out of that song. But I still hate Nuge anyway.
  2. There really should be a Nuge-bashing thread.
  3. The 14th anniversary of Phish's 1st Deer Creek show. A very good one, as I recall.
  4. Mother of babbling Jesus! Here I am, going through my miserable little life completely oblivious to the depth and the seriousness of the crisis that this great nation faces. This brings it all home. This is SERIOUS DOO-DOO, people. As soon as everyone gets that next stimulus check I say go buy a few DVDs. Cut it out with the free internet porn! You're only gonna further cripple the economy - do the patriotic thing and spend some cash on those hard-working ladies and gentlemen who do the things many of us only fantasize about!
  5. I used to love me some Orange Crush. I hardly drink any soda these days.
  6. True, but oh what fun we would have!
  7. Indeed! My son once wrote a tune called "Scott Stapp" that was so awesomely vicious about the guy I wish I could write the lyrics down here for you. I'll see if he still has it.
  8. Have you seen those skits him and Tom Davis did backstage at the Radio City '80 run? Priceless. The Dead's performances on SNL were the direct result of Tom & Al lobbying Lorne Micheals for them. Anyway, it might only be about 30 years too late, but we have now entered THE AL FRANKEN DECADE.
  9. Open Arms and Babe both have to be right up there as well, HW.
  10. Aman - I'm glad you got Vol. II. I guess Xmas came late this year! If you can find that Addendum for a good price, grab it - it has that wonderful, lengthy Latvala tribute in it (I think we've discussed this before).
  11. Damn, Vince...now that's a story HST would approve of. "Fear And Loathing In The Orient".
  12. There has been hideous, sick-making music in every decade of the RXR era (of course), but for sheer volume and percentage of crap-to-good (or even listenable ) the '80s takes the prize. Just my .02, but there is just so much stuff from that time I cannot tolerate ("skinny-tie" synth-pop, fake "hair farmer" metal, etc.) that it could be argued that "worst song of the '80s" deserves a whole thread to itself. Maybe if we can focus ourselves that thread will come to pass. It's the Final Countdown.....
  13. The happiest of birthdays to you, Mr. Cline! And - please bring the Singers back to Indy. That was one of the best nights (musically speaking) for me in a VERY long time!
  14. I know it's a matter of personal taste, but I will not argue that last statement - especially the classic lineup with Rick and Steve. As far as Rock goes, has there ever been a band with more chops? I say no.
  15. Hell yes. I have a version of that from the Yesyears boxset - I think it's from RFK in '76, though. Crazy or Cryin' as well. Those fuckers really went in the tank when they started 12-steppin'.
  16. Winner! I gotta agree with Lam though - the McCoury boys are pretty spiffy as well.
  17. Absolutely. The segues between each 'section' are so smooth and fully realized it is just astounding. I always thought the whale-like sounds were Dave on his guitar - similar to the things he does in the Pompeii movie during "Saucerful". Are we talking about the same thing? Doesn't matter - that is some of the most deeply psychedelic music ever made.
  18. Ahhh, thanks so much, brother. You just put the damn song back in my head.
  19. Somewhere in Bloomington my old buddy Boots is smilin'. I knew it would be a good game, it's just too bad it didn't turn out with a different outcome.
  20. you have to admit those 2 teams are very evenly matched - it seems like a war every time they play each other.
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