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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Calvino - I haven't yet pulled the trigger on this box set so I'd be interested in your take on this. Especially the piece with 3 of the 4 WSQ guys (Lake, Hemphill & Bluett). Happy listening!
  2. The LP Series F (on Inner City records) is worth having, if only for side two. 18 minutes of just bizarro otherworldly sounds, all on solo sax. There's points where it sounds like someone sawing through a block of wood, jet planes taking off, etc. Jeesh. When I put that stuff on everyone in the house detests me.
  3. Being a Crosby fan boy I'm partial to the stuff they did with him in the band, but the GP stuff is also undeniably awesome. As is the stuff with Clarence - I think I read somewhere that he was one of Garcia's favorite guitarists. Untitled is a fave too. I got to meet Roger once and had him sign the cover. Priceless.
  4. Ahh yes....I remember my friends and I making a nice igloo and smoking up in that thing.
  5. I think 5D was the 2nd LP I ever owned (the first was the Stones' "High Tide & Green Grass" comp). I LOVED that record - still do, in fact. YTY is great as well - Crosby's "Mind Gardens" has to be one of most far-out things they ever recorded.
  6. Nice call. That RTF Reunion was a highlight of my summer.
  7. We had a King-Hell ice storm here back in '91. No power for a week. We set the kids (5, 2 and newborn) near the fireplace with bedding. The beer stayed out in the snow. I became the entertainment - endless nights of Prine and Guthrie tunes. Good times.
  8. Damn, I'm sorry Maggie. I know you were looking forward to Philly. Give Tracy our best, man.
  9. I heard something about the bars there staying open until 5 am. (?) That should make for some interesting events.
  10. Anyone wanna make a guess at what the Dow closes at today?
  11. The words had all been spoken But somehow the feeling still wasn't right And still we continued on through the night Tracing our steps from the beginning Until they vanished into the air Trying to understand how our lives had led us there Looking hard into your eyes There was nobody I'd ever known Such an empty surprise - to feel so alone Now for me some words come easy But I know that they don't mean that much Compared to the things that are said when lovers touch You never knew what I loved in you I don't know what you love in me Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be
  12. I'm glad you mentioned this. The man is the consummate professional. He even did a small stint with a reconstituted Jefferson Airplane (not "Starship" ) at one point in the late '80s/early '90s.
  13. Thanks for the link, Judy. Interesting - many of those would make my list as well.
  14. I dunno. Perhaps you should come to the great state of Indiana.
  15. Six-six-six is The Number of the Beast!
  16. I've always thought this was his best effort since the '70s heyday.
  17. OK. I've scanned the tube on this thing for a news cycle. I was somewhat aware of the troubles of this guy, but if the allegations turn out to be true... it's truly a mind blower. Is it a case of gargantuan-sized cojones, bat-shit insanity, or both?
  18. I for one really like having Mr. Crow on this here board. This could be my first post in this insane thread (I'm certainly not gonna go back and check it out, though) which is surprising since I have an opinion on the subject at hand. But as far as I'm concerned I just added a post so now we're that much closer to 1000.
  19. Man, I wake up and log on and this is the lead story on the Yahoo news page. Unbelievably crazy shit. Thank God the Hoosier State has honest people running their government. >
  20. Wow. You folks here are just THE BEST! I JUST got in from one of the bestest birfdays I've ever had. The lovely Pocahontas treated me to an evening of good food and general debauchery (as is my custom). All the kind words from you all really makes me feel good.
  21. Hope you have a super day! And may you and the monkey man celebrate in fine style!
  22. Oh hell yeah. The first one - I'll bet folks went bananas!
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