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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Rider - you mentioned "a small bar in Ohio". Would this be Canal Street Tavern in Dayton? Great place for live music - I saw the Nelson Band there about 10 times between '98 and '05 - great times. Miss Jayne - you mentioned Warren with P&F in Indy. The Deer Creek show on 7/15/01 (with SCI opening) is still my favorite Phil show of the ones I've caught. Warren did such a sweet job with the Stella Blue encore - very soulful, and a great way to end a looong day of music.
  2. Now here's a thread a guy can really sink his teeth into! The mind boggles at the possibilities...I don't know where to begin. The first thing that pops into my head is "Tell Laura I Love Her" - I don't recall who sang this steaming pile of shite but as Matt said earlier, it's probably best that I don't. More to follow....
  3. I know I already said Dark Star by the GD way back on page one, but Echoes might be tied for first, or at the very least a close second. I never tire of that song - many might disagree but I think it is the Floyd's greatest piece of work.
  4. Yep. And Cowboy Jazz as well. His pedal steel work while in P&F is outstanding, unfortunately he is too low in the mix (imo) in most of the sbds I have heard.
  5. Haynes, Herring, Kimock....we all have an opinion about the best fit for the lead slot. One name seems to not get mentioned in this debate, so I'll put it out there: Barry Freakin Sless, dudes! Anyone who has caught Barry with the DNB knows that, although he has his own style, he can impersonate Garcia's sound as well as anyone. Just a phenomenal player, and a real sweetheart of a guy taboot. I can't say enough positive things about him.
  6. Hate the guy all you want, but imo there was no player who deserved being called MVP more than Peyton Manning. The last 9 games were really something - 17 TDs, 3 INTs, a buttload of come-from-behind games.
  7. Well, at the Obama benefit (which I would assume would be a bit more pricey than an average gig) I was on the floor about 20 feet from the stage for 50 on the nose. But we shall see.
  8. Yep - Rosemont gets my vote as the shittiest place I ever saw the band. Saw em there in '88 and boycotted that place forever after that.
  9. I totally understand what you're saying here, but here's the weird thing, to me: I saw all of those tours (Trans, Shocking Pinks, International Harvesters, "3rd Greatest Garage Band", Bluenotes, etc) and I thought they were all amazing, for the most part. It just seems odd that Neil could put out a string of such hit-and-miss records but still kill in the live setting.
  10. May 7 in Denver....I swear that Lammy is one lucky guy. Nothing near me though.
  11. Oh no....I didn't know you were one of those "pot bangers"! When Poca and I were first together we lived in this apartment, and next door was this woman who would periodically go outside and bang pots to scare the birds out of her trees so they wouldn't poop on her '66 Mustang convertible. She was crazier than 10 loons, I tell ya.
  12. Lammy, I'd be all over it if I could be there. Have a good one man - tell me how it went for you when it's convenient.
  13. 2009 is the year I'm finally gonna hunker down and start listening to more Grateful Dead. Wish me luck in this endeavor, kids!
  14. Now listen here, brother - you ain't THAT old. Get your ass down to see Steve and get your mind blown! Poca and I will be going to my friend's studio for a jam, then serious liquid medicinal intake until the ball drops.
  15. First - Grateful Dead - 12/31/76 Cow Palace, SF, CA Now- Grateful Dead - 12/31/90 Oakland Coliseum, CA Happy New Year everyone!
  16. Hey, have you seen that new genesis '70-'75 boxset? I was talking to a friend who got it for Xmas and he said there was tons of video footage in that sucker! We've made plans to get together and watch some of it.
  17. Excellent! As I recall there are nice reviews of both the '78 and '83 WV shows. NYE has been my favorite holiday for a long time - probably a direct result of being a lifelong Deadhead. I remember rushing home from parties in '85 & '87 so I could VHS tape the NYE show. One of my great regrets is I never saw a NYE show in person.
  18. I know there's not a lot of love for the Bluenotes record, but anyone who saw that tour knows there were some killer evenings with that lineup. In no particular order: Freedom Ragged Glory Harvest Moon - these three in a row showed the old man was as vital as ever Living With War and, just to be obstinate, Re-ac-tor - lots of good guitar on that record imo
  19. Christ. Do these people want to be the next Zappa family? 'Cause it ain't happenin'. Are they incapable of just naming a kid something resembling a real name?
  20. Happy Birthday to the distinguished gentleman from Clinton Country! PLANET BEER! I can't tell you how depressed I get when I realize I'm old enough to be your father - but then I figure in 20 more years you might come to your senses and join me on the left side of the aisle!
  21. Nice to see The Professor sitting in with those guys. Christ, that's a weird looking bass.
  22. Yes, indeed, "The Nine" (as devotees of 12/29/77 call it) was a very powerful amazing show - enough to warrant DP status - #10 I think. Quoting Micheal Nash here: "As the music ebbed to a near standstill, Garcia (in a manner I recall as being decidedly dramatic) stepped from the shadows and hit the opening riff of "China Cat" (the first version since October 1974), whereupon the crowd erupted in a thunderous ovation. As Weir added his figure, the roar just grew more jubilant - one of those great occasions with everyone utterly caught up in the moment and attentive to all its implications. Ga
  23. IMO the longer this version of the band stays together the 'JT w/ backing band' idea is less and less plausible. Nels, in particular, is a force of nature and is completely capable of taking over during any given tune. Hopefully the next LP will show his far ranging talents to a greater degree.
  24. Damn. One of the greatest to come from my homebase. I miss him already - guess I'd better go pull out some records tonight. RIP Freddie.
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