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Everything posted by zebra

  1. The second half of "Theologians" is pure gold for me.
  2. A few months back, there was a strong endorsement to Ron Paul on that site. That made me not trust it.
  3. AGIB was my first experience with Wilco and at first, I didn't fully get it. I actually saw "Kicking Television" being preformed on TV and saw Glenn and was like, "Holy crap, that's Glenn." So, thinking their music was all fast like KT, I bought AGIB. The first few times I heard it I was not really listening, but mostly had it on for background noise while I surfed the internet. It was until I fully heard "At Least That's What You Said" by it self, with no distraction that it finally clicked that there was more to this music that meets the ear. Once the album clicked, it hit me like a ton
  4. My favorites. Pants, etc. Pants Suite Why Would Pants Wanna Live? Pot Pants Black A Magazine Called Pants Pure Bug Pants Pants of Bees Diamond Pants Pants Claw Pants and Pants and Pants Pants It Off Sky Blue Pants Hotel Pants That's Not The Pants I love this stuff....
  5. How about: An orgy for your ears?
  6. I don't recall the whole conversation, but someone told my brother once that Wilco doesn't do anything special. His response was, "That's like saying [salvador] Dal
  7. I second the 'get the DVD' comment, it is worth it.
  8. zebra


    So, I haven't read any of these posts because they haven't played yet on the West Coast, but was Glenn the drummer in the band for the ''Dakota Fanning Show" skit? It sure looked like him.
  9. zebra


    Yes. I remember Metallica slipping a few F-bombs in the late 90s.
  10. I would tell them you only give consent to your criminal history. If they try and fire you or threaten to, I would talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. Good luck.
  11. I can understand an employer asking for a criminal background check, but financial and school records seems absurd unless you are going for a job like a Police Officer, etc. My question is why now and also what will they (try) and do if you refuse to allow them to access all your information?
  12. zebra

    wilco on conan?

    I just turned on Conan and he said the musical guests will be Super Furry Animals.
  13. Lol. When I read this, I thought of The Yardbird's, "For Your Love". I know the difference, but still thought you meant this.
  14. After they recently played "Blood of the Lamb", Jeff indicated that next year's residency shows would have more B-Sides and even Dark Side of the Moon in it's entirety. This was obviously a joke, but then he said to add your suggestions into the suggestion box on the way out. Another joke. However, the DSOTM comment was ironic for me because I was currently working a Pink Floyd laser light show two days ago and as I was listening to their, "Another Brick in the Wall (part 2)", I thought, "man, I would love to hear Wilco's take on this song" and imagined how cool Nels would make the solo. M
  15. Me too and I like it better than YHF, but does anyone really care?
  16. That would be as cool as Will Farrell coming out for Queens of the Stone Age and playing the cowbell.
  17. Maybe you hate posers and not today's Wilco fans? I'm confused.
  18. Maybe Fred reprising his role as "Fericito" and maybe having Jeff or even the whole band playing equally odd musicians in a skit.
  19. Currently, A.M.. I love "It's Just That Simple".
  20. zebra


    Unless I am mistaken, Jeff sings lead on all Wilco songs except on "It's Just That Simple". As far as the recent live versions, Jeff might have not been as close to his mic as he should have or Jon might have been singing louder than usual, but they sound like they are both singing in the beginning.
  21. Man, I really wish I could see this show. I can't wait until he comes back out west.
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