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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. No Joke does suck. However, I'm shocked you'd list Meat Puppets up there . There are some classic angst-ridden tunes on there and it's the album that started it all. Monsters is a pretty excellent album, too, imo. "Party Til the World Obeys" and "The Void" are weak, but everything else on there I quite like. In particular, "Touchdown King," one of my all-time favorite Pups tunes. To each his own, of course.
  2. They'd be considered too old to the 1-5 year olds demographic, though...
  3. Does a great guitarist lose talent over time? I don't know. Who gives a shit what he's wearing, though? It's Pete Townshend. A guy his age trying too hard to look cool? This is a man who used to wear a white body suit on stage....
  4. I've never cared much for him either but thought his performance was pretty cool. Guy can certainly play guitar.
  5. For a 12 min. half-time show set-up on a hurried stage I thought it was quite good. RReagardless of when the tunes were written. There will always be mixed opinions on whomever performs. The older folks will not give a hoot about the P Diddys and the younger one's the same with the dinosaurs. I don't think Daltrey missing notes and a second guitarist for a band is an indicator that younger acts need to automatically be booked....
  6. I'm not sure I'll ever understand this kind of reasoning. First, and using the Who as an example, they played tunes yesterday that are part of that output from their 20s/30s. Second, they still rock. Like the Stones, they can still create a big sound with spirtited versions of their work. So we saw some of Pete's belly and Daltrey can't hit some of the same notes. I think it's awesome when folks like The Who are out there still plaing and still sounding pretty damn good. Nice that they are still around and still doing R&R that has aome kick to it.
  7. I don't know. He had a few of his own tunes he brought to the band and was a pretty heavy presence (backing vocals) on a good amount of tunes. I never minded Vince but can understand some folks' comments about him being a little much.
  8. This is the Fillmore East 71 show with the lyrical goof/laughter in "St. Stephen," correct? If so, I was listening to that official release on Friay night for the first time and the track listing seemed off to me. I didn't check my DeadBase but recall the tape I have of the show had tunes in a different order. Is the official release track listing true to the actual order or has it been fucked with?
  9. There was as much Rock & Roll on the half-time stage yesterday as there could be. Of course the vocals weren't perfect, these guys are old. They can still rock out better than just about anybody, imo. I liked it.
  10. What sperates an "amazing" studio album from one that you listen to and like?
  11. I find that most studio albums that I enjoy have at least 1 track that I don't mind skipping. I can't say that about The Joshua Tree and have trouble coming up with others.....
  12. First album that always pops into my mind on these threads is: U2, Joshua Tree. Also: Little Feat Waiting for Columbus ed. oops. WFC isn't studion. My b.
  13. My apologies to the distinguished gentleman from the bowels of the L.A. subway corridor....
  14. If it's the same one I think it is there's no such thing as "way too big" for that photo. ed. Hasten Down The Wind is the one with those songs on it that she sang, right?
  15. Are you sure you're a dude, dude? The opne you put is weird but that other one is fine in my book, as is the negligee one.
  16. I'm betting it's the negligee one, down on her knees, where you can't see her face.
  17. Smoking or shooting, I'd imagine being a washed up teen icon isn't all it's cracked up to be. Feel sorry for the guy, in a way. But, crashing a car and paralyzing your pal probably didn't help his habit either.
  18. Hm. I have that release. Don't think I've listened to it yet, though. Just the old tape.....
  19. That was 30 years ago. What the hell else was he supposed to be doing?
  20. Great show: "everybody just relax man we have you all night long...? Buddy of mine in high school and I used to get a huge kick out of the goofy dude in the crowd saying "Jerry, play St. Stephen" and JG cracking up. That was on the tape we had, don't know if it made it onto better recordings....
  21. I don't specifically recall that but I do remember McKeon being pretty hot after the game and accusing BOS of trying to run up the score.... Pavana and whomever followed him in the 1st inning were tgged for 10 or 11 runs and 0 IP. That's bizarre.
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