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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. While it is a sad commentary and all, how many passed out drunk folks do people step over/around on a daily basis in NYC? It's not uncommon. I'm guessing (save for the guy who rolled him and saw the blood) that most of those people assumed he was just drunk. Not saying that a passed out drunk guy doesn't deserve attention, but I'm betting that police/ambulance patrol don't respond lickity-split for calls of passed out drunk folks anyway....
  2. Guess I didn't really answer the question as this is about albums. I mentioned a few....
  3. I never really listened to MJ (save for all the radio play when I was younger). Never purchased an album of his or anything (save for Jackson 5 graetest hits or something). Anyway, my gal has a MJ greatest hits-type cd she pops in on car rides sometimes and the guy wrote some pretty amazing tunes, PYT being at or near the top. You can't help but groove to a lot of his stuff... I'll second NRBQ, as well. I find a lot of their albums spotty (some clunkers mixed in with some excellent stuff), but overall, excellent band with some great, fun, bar room-like vibes. Lots of Phish, as well: in o
  4. TV doesn't rule in my house nearly as much as music does, but I ereally enjoy watching baseball games and I need to record/dvr every episode of Jeopardy. There are very, very few shows I like outside of this stuff (Deadliest Catch being one and it's only on for a few months/year). My kids do a lot of movies on the dvd player, which I have no problem letting them do after homework is done, esp. in the winter months. ed. Plus, t.v. makes a great temporary babysitter for when I need a break/cooking dinner/etc.
  5. Won tix to view it tomorrow night in Denver but it starts at 10 p.m. and I get up at 5 a.m. yeah, I'm old (-ish)....
  6. Oh, I could only imagine..... I'll hopefully be checking the disc out, regardless.
  7. Whoa whoa whoa now. What's the connection/relevance between age and hair length and being a burn out? Chris does seem to like to talk a lot, too, which I suppose is ok if what he's saying I'm interested in hearing. And, assuming his talking a lot isn't related in some bizarre way to having longer hair at age 45.
  8. All I'm saying is, if anyone wants to see me get taken out by a sniper, or at the very least, incarcerated for a few years....vote Denver School of Science and Technology!
  9. Sorry, cryp, but choice number 2 (Denver School of Science and Technology) is literally right across the street from my house. I can't pass on an opportunity to throw rocks at a presidential limo from my porch.
  10. I could go a month w/o it but I'd miss Lexulous. I am able to play this better version of Scrabble with a few friends I used to play marathon tournaments (real-time/life/in person) with years ago. I like the fb. No real beef with it at all.
  11. What kind of n asshole asks a question like that? One of my pet peeves is geting stabbed. This has only happened when I lived in the south, though.
  12. It's adorable that her story will be the same as yours when you were in utero.
  13. Arod crossing the mound today in Oakland? What's his deal with the shitty baseball sportsmanship/etiquette? Yelling at Howie Clark to make him think he's being called off the play, the slappy play on Arroyo. Not A-rod bashing, but really, what's the deal here? I realize he doesn't deserve to be singled out as the only player to show poor sportsmanship, but really: Yankee (pride?), highest paid player, etc.
  14. So you won't recline your seat but also won't requet the dude in from of you to have the same "courtesy?" I kind of figure that the seat reclines for a reason so I usually recline it. I usuually look behind me first to make sure it isn't a really big.tall person. If asked to put it up a bit I will. But really, do i need to fear putting it back the way it was designed to go? Maybe I do....
  15. What about the reclining seat? To recline or not to recline. What if the dude behind you is Bill Walton (on a budget)? Do you still recline as is, technically, your "right?"
  16. This works for buses, too. And for group sex.
  17. Neftali Feliz is throwin' 102 mph fastballs? yeesh.
  18. I really thought this would force Morgan out of the booth (my wish), but no: "For the past two decades, Morgan has been a fixture on ESPN as a game analyst for Sunday Night Baseball. He is remaining with the cable network and doing his work for the Reds in a part-time capacity." Never liked his color commentating/analyzing (no pun intended).
  19. Been rreading a lot of poetry lately: Poe, Bukowski, Nye, Rumi. Re-visiting two books: Founding Brothers, Joseph Ellis. In-depth take on Revolutionary kingpins Washington, Hamilton/Burr, Franklin, Burr, Adams, and Madison. Colorful writing and very well-researched. and A New Earth, Ekhardt Tolle. This book gets panned often in book threads for being New Age blow-it-up-your ass stuff, yet I've always found it to be a decent read with some neat parables and lessons and things to, at least, consider. It's not ground-breaking in a philosophical or psychological manner but it puts a new perspect
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