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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. The thing with putting Barry White on is that he tends to elicit chuckles/giggles every now and then because he's Barry White. Also, he inspires people to sing along or emulate that baritone voice. While neither is a bad thing in themselves, it sometimes throws things off while in the sack, at least in my experience.
  2. I don't like it either. White Sox did this as well after Buehrle’s perfert game, too.
  3. Not trying to take away anything from Halladay, and I didn't watch the game, but highlights and discussions make it out that he got a fair amount of calls out of the strike zone in his favor throughout the game, particularly 3-1 counts. Obviously the strike zone shifts a bit from umpire to umpire but in the replays there really did seem to be some inconsistency going on. Regardless, great for Halladay and all as that isn't his problem/job any way....
  4. Took me a looong time to warm to this tune, too. I think I was just too young to appreciate the playing on it when I was a kid....
  5. Get Shorty? Grease 2? Ghostbusters?
  6. But it's spelled "refrigerator".... ed. I just found this out a little while ago. Just sharing, is all....
  7. What'choo talkin' 'bout, PopTodd?!
  8. What about eating lobster while drinkin a cold one and watching a good ball game while great tunes play in the background and havin sex all at the same time...?
  9. Yeah, I can see that. I got Dave Silk's autograph (Miracle on Ice/Boston Bruin) when he played for the New Haven Nighthawks....
  10. No offense to authograph coolectors, but what do you do with it once it's collected? Do you use it to tell the story of how you "met" the person? Do you sit on it and it collects monetary value? Not being a wise-ass, I've just always been intriqued by the people that are intriqued by getting autographs. I got John Prine's authograph once while he was walking down the street in Teluuride for the Bluegrass Fest. He shakily scratched it out on a $5 bill I had and laughed and said "like you're not gonna spend it" (I was looking haggard and toasted from camping/paertying for a few days). I used t
  11. Used to collect coins and stamps as a kid. That turned to collecting, near-obsessively, GD shows on tapes. That turned to discs. I have other hobbies that don't include collectin stuff, though. I knew a dude who used to collect his used cigarette butts and write the dates he smoked 'em on the filter. He had several large trash bags full.
  12. Looks like he went from pig-tails to the Dorothy Hamill, too. Sweet.
  13. Yeah, I'd agree more if it was someone not close to Willie's status. Willie could walk around with an Izod and a sweater wrapped around his neck and people would still appreciate his music.
  14. He must've been pretty high. There's a strip club in Denver named Shotgun Willie's. How is Willie cutting his hair a big risk, remphish?
  15. Second these: Like a Rolling Stone. Doesn't get much better than that snare drum snap. Rocks Off add: Welcome to the Jungle, GnR
  16. Maybe they prefer the Croc.... I've got no beef with flip-flops. Wear 'em all summer.
  17. Birthday threads to famous people that will never see the wishes. Particuarly the dead famous people (Happy Birthday Paul Bunyan!!).
  18. So buying a man a vibrator was a sign of deep closeness, then....
  19. Could be pretty interesting. But I've read this several times and don't really get it: "Twain was so close to Lyon that she once bought him an electric vibrating sex toy." So close to Twain she bought him a vibrator?
  20. Pet peeve: people who don't accept the first wave to go first at an intersection. This applies to car-car as well as car-pedestrian situations. As long as the right of way is accepted first, if I'm walking and I wave a car to proceed past the stop sign in lieu of me crossing the street, just go! I waved first. I acknowledged your vehicle. Don't wave me back to make the cross. It fucks me up.
  21. The butts thing is really pretty easy to do. The only downside is putting them in your pocket while waiting for an opportunity to empty it/them into the trash. The butt without the paper/tobacco after being smoked reeks to high hell (I know, the smoking ain't so sweet either). I was at a wedding last weekend and smoked a cig before we went in and had the butt in my hand as we walked in. There were no trash cans around and it was a tiny church with everyone crammed in. I had to bring it into the pew and asked the g/f to put it in her (new) purse because it was stanking the joint up. She wouldn'
  22. The kid isn't a felon (yet). He'll have his day in court to explain himself.
  23. There doesn't seem to be a pattern between expletives graffitiied about teachers/students and those teachers/students being murdered, though. Seems like a lot of the mass-shootings in schools reveal drawings of the murderous fantasy. Usually after the fact, too.
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