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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Just another vote of confidence for that HOB Stones tribute album. I used to own it a while back (can't find it...) and it's fantastic all the way through, particularly the Honky Tonk Women, Tumbling Dice, and Sway, and Moonlight Mile.
  2. That R&R Circus is an odd one....Good point on Taj covering a Blues take by white guys, too.Taj was also the bassist for Garcia's great American String Band for a few months in '74 (the time the GASB was together, basically).
  3. Oh, yeah Labor Day out in Aspen. I was thinking Memorial day somewhere else....
  4. Oh. I should read to the end of the thread before replying. I suppose. Miscommunication is often the root of a lot of arguments/strife (at least in my life).
  5. Talking sometimes works.... I'm a little surprised at all the "dump her" comments. Ludicrous advice out of the gate.
  6. That Green Day version was pretty tight. I liked it. Not gettin' the drummer dislike: just looked like he was playin' it straight to me. I used to get a kick out of him immediately running off stage after a tune finishes....He's not even doing that these days, looks like.
  7. Just got an email from my buddy Eagle reminding me it was 29 years ago today we caught our first show (we didn't know eachother at the time, however). Veterans' Memorial Coliseum, New Haven, CT (5/11/81) New Minglewood Blues Sugaree El Paso Jack-a-Roe Beat it on Down the Line Row Jimmy It's All Over Now Althea Lazy Lightnin' Supplication Don't Ease Me In Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain C.C. Rider To Lay Me Down Playin' in the Band drums The Wheel Playin' in the Band China Doll Around and Around Good Lovin' Satisfaction
  8. If she's unwilling to concede a little bit/compromise and at least be agreeable a few times a year around your family I see bigger issues/problems down the road. This is family, like 'em or not. If you're getting hitched she's an extension to them anyway and if she can't suck that up a little bit I see bigger issues down the line. Have you tried getting your chick to be the bartender at some family events?
  9. This film sounds pretty interesting. I hadn't heard of it until this thread. I'm a big fan of documentaries. babies are cool, too. Thanks for the head's up. PT.
  10. How's the baby (-ies) messed with/harmed by doing this movie and why are the first 6 months more special than any one elses last 6 months. It'smerely a personal preference that you wound't want to put your kid in a documentary. I may not want to, either (though it might have been kind of cool, I don't know). I don't find it cruel or maligned or anything, though (and of course I haven't seen it). Babies are good actors, too.
  11. How do we know the babies didn't agree to and/or sign waivers for the documentary. Let's not be so quick to assume here. They're smarter creatures than are often given credit for....
  12. This is the first thing I thought of when I saw the highlights. Absolutely perfet that this happens a week after that bone-headed comment from the top-paid player in the league. Good for him.
  13. Bostrom was great but the new guy (and a cool story of how he got in the band, to boot!) is pretty damn good. The brothers have that spark back, and Cris is all over the place (in a good way) with his playing.
  14. Phish (they sound renewed, fresh, and they seem to be enjoying what they're doing again. A rebirth). Meat Puppets (still mired in relative obscurity and the albums aren't really cuttin it for me, but the live stuff still sounds amazing). The Eagles (not a fan, but they seem to sell out everywhere they play).
  15. That's pretty cool. I always liked Millar with BOS. He played hard and seemed to always have a blast playing the game. I always liked his "take 'em as they come" attitude.
  17. Dudes spitting in a urinal tick you off? Out a car window, even? I can see on the sidewalk, but where urine and car tires travel I'm niot gettin'....
  18. Bob Costas did a really nice interview (per usual) with Harwell recently that aired on the MLB network. I couldn't find video of the entire thing but here are some excerpts: http://www.bizofbaseball.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3740:costa-interview-with-ernie-harwell-qi-think-this-will-be-my-last-world-series-i-thinkq&catid=48:ei-mlb-network&Itemid=82.
  19. The "mid-life crisis" panned out to be a wonderful new awakening with a bright horizon for me!
  20. People who squeeze through a closing door only to leave the person behind them having to re-open it. I realize there is an imaginary distance from when one enters the door and another follows to hold it for the next person (i'll say about 10-15 ft. or less) that most adults follow, but I 've been working all year with students about not doing this and it's pretty much failed. They have no threshold nor manners.
  21. I thought for sure the school across the street had won as there was a news truck set up to report this morning on the way to work....
  22. During last night's game they were talking about jimenez being only the second pitcher to toss a no-hitter and go 5-0 in April (along with Jack Morris in '84). He's now 6-0 and has allowed only 3 earned runs with an ERA below 1.00. It's early, but the Rockies are only paying him a little over a million this year and got a very reasonable price on his re-newal in the off-season (4 yrs/$10 mm, I believe). Also: nice to see BOS with some spark last night. Man they've been stagnant so far....
  23. Not for nothing, but Bob Marley's Uprising was the first thing that popped into my head (for obvious reasons).
  24. Sweet! Gonna start collecting some nice "throwin' rocks"....
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