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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Shit, just realized I watched Mission to Mars with the kids Monday night. And plastic: I watched that Alvin deal too last week on pay per view. Not by preference, of course. You know, I had never seen it before. And that Brad Pitt is dreamy.
  2. I watched Legends of the Fall Sunday night.
  3. Hah! Joan was supposed to be filling in fior Ray White for the Kimock shows and my friend confirmed this and even printed it in the papers but then a dude named Arnie Green (from the mountains) filled in for her. So, no. It'd be funny if he advertised it, though. It's kind of the running joke around these parts now.
  4. Afterthefact...My boy. You've WON! YOU DID IT! OH, I JUST KNEW YOU WOULD!! Oh, afterthefact, forgive me for putting you through this, Please forgive me. I had to test you, afterthefact, and you passed the test! You WON!! Boy Made Of Chins
  5. Both. Banyan is playing at a buddy's bar afterwards with Molo sitting in, too. Oh yes.
  6. The theme was to cover Rock & Roll. You know, like Duran Duran and Bob Marley.
  7. Listen lady, EVERY song the kid sings sounds the same. Every song. There's no way the kid would have lasted this long if it were a radio show.
  8. As much as I don't think he'll win, I had Archuleta pegged to win it all from the get-go. I kind of liked Brooke, though. Her doe-eyed lamb gig got stale, though. If Castro comes back for next week it's rigged.
  9. Wakefield has the most K's in BOS history now behind only Clemens and ahead of Pedro. Lots to like in last night's game: Wakefield only throwing 80-something pitches through 7 innings, his pitches were obviously effective all night, Papi-Manny back-to-backs, bullpen was on, and it was actually a quick game. The BOS offense continues to be torrid (they lead the league in a lot of offensive categories) and the quality starts from the rotation remains top-notch.
  10. Seating chart: http://www.teamonetickets.com/seating-char...center-map.html ed. Wendy beat me to the punch.
  11. Hiatt's Walk On still gets plenty of play-time from me. An excellent album.
  12. It still sounds like Garcia to me (though I haven't heard it in a while) but Pig makes more sense now that I think about it- why would Garcia say "don't listen to him" to himself? One of the great mysteries of mankind may have finally been unraveled!
  13. Leyland shaking things up in DET with Jacque Jones designated for assignment, Matt Joyce called up, Sheffield to play some LF, and Ordonez to do some DH-ing.... http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb
  14. ^ yeah, but who won the WS last year?
  15. I'm not sure how much hype Washington Square Serenade has received (simply because I haven't read/heard much myself) but I think it's an excellent album. There are only 1-2 songs on it I don't mind not hearing, and even then they're tolerable. Personally, I appreciate that he's trying some different routes in his music. It still oozes Steve Earle, though. It was a grower for me, too.
  16. Those two minutes can be better spent on something meaningful! Come on man, microwaving popcorn takes longer than the race does.
  17. Did I say happy birthday yet? If so- who cares. I love you plsticeye.
  18. Yeah, I got that part. It's the "why" I'm looking for. Where do they go to the bathroom, for example?
  19. Guess Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston are filming a movie between commercial breaks, too.
  20. Looks like it's "Dog Night" at Pro Player Stadium tonight. Help me understand this concept.
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