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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I'd think the calming eyes of Jeter would sweep that category.
  2. A study done by researchers at the U. of Penn. looked at every MLB ball put into play between 2002-2005 and assessed defensive players. http://www.sportsline.com/mlb/story/10647918 For whatever the study is worth, A-Rod (during his time in TEX) was among the best shortstops (no surprise there). Jeter, however, rated among the worst (surprising). OFs that rated in the top are Coco Crisp, Gary Matthews, Jr., and Jason Michaels. Worst OFs include Willy Mo Pena and Bernie Williams.
  3. You've re-adjusted to living in Babylon again?
  4. My first gut reaction was Wavy.
  5. P Kerry Wood favored as Cubs closer. OF Fukodome unlikely to play CF for Cubs. OF Brady Clark signed to Minor League contract and invited to ST w/Mets. TEX P Kameron Loe out of starting rotation. http://www.rotoworld.com/Content/playernew...amp;line=228769
  6. I am NOT watching the Red Sox ST KIVE or re-run as I do NOT live in the nesn viewing area. But thanks for rubbing it in. There's always the photos, I suppose. ed. You are now obligated to give a detailed play-by-play of all movements, gestures, comments, etc. of Red Sox platers and personnel, a la a Wilco show report.
  7. I sweat like a monkey on a rock during fantasy baseball.
  8. Thanks. Just one of the many perks to making it to the Big Show.
  9. They require those for Olympic competition, wise guy.
  10. This one's from quite awhile back when I was a mere novice in the antiquated Art of dog-riding: Here's a more recent one. Note the comparison between the blank gaze in the first pic and the Zen-like concentration in the second. I finally learned to control my delicate wrists, too (LOL!)!:
  11. 2B Brandon Phillips re-signs (avoiding arbitration) with CIN at 4 yr./$27 M: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gh68WBr...WJ7wpQD8UR0QKG0
  12. Though I never stated I believed it was the nail in the coffin to prove he used during his record-setting year. It does prove that he cheated and that he's been lying the entire time about cheating, though, which is why I questioned if it was enough proof for the apologists (most of whom have claimed "there is no proof" as a defense), regardless of the time line.
  13. Personally, I'm not angry or pissed off. I do continue to be amused at the apologists, though. I also think there may be something of an age thing, too. I've noticed more people my age and older to take offense at steroid/PED user issues than younger fans. Of course, there are plenty of baseball fans of all ages who couldn't care less if players juiced/juice or not. But I think for younger fans, especially, who were kids during the Sosa/McGwire race and for most of the 90s- they grew up watching guys break records bashing balls out of parks. It's the era of baseball you grew up with.
  14. It's a good thing Congressional Hearings only cover baseball improprieties or we'd never get to the bottom of this. And what's with people enjoying baseball while there's still no cure for AIDS, anyway?
  15. This is a sidebar to the fact that he cheated, though. And cheating to help attain the biggest record in MLB is a big deal. At least in MLB. The fact that Bonds slandered and bad-mouthed a lot of his accusers- journalists, investigators, other players whom claimed first-hand knowledge of his use, etc. is relevant. Yeah, he's an apparently arrogant guy who, like Pete Rose, assumes he's above the game even in the face of evidence so it certainly doesn't help his case.
  16. No. Bonds got caught because his name was included among Olympic athletes, NFL players, and other MLB players when the BALCO labs were investigated by the Federal anti-doping commission and raided by DEA agents. He was not singled out. Congress did not get involved until later. If your beef is with how Congress utilizes it's time and money that's another issue.
  17. Cheating has always gone on in baseball, yes. I don't associate betting on the game while a manager/player (cheating) or throwing a series (cheating)_to be equal to doctoring a ball (cheating) or corking a bat (cheating). Like all crimes are technically "crimes," different crimes run the gamut of seriousness and consequences for getting caught. Additionally, the old adage: "it's only cheating if you get caught" seems to fit the bill here, too.
  18. I disagree that using HGH/Steroids/PEDs is an "age old practice" but agree that government money and time being spent on it is excessive.
  19. We've done this dance too many times, bobbob. I know where you stand and that's cool, but there are other takes on it that are valid. I believe there are degrees of "cheating" that are worse than others. Because lots of players have used banned substances and not gotten caught doesn't exempt Bonds from what he has done (nor any of the other players with evidence against them). I've never said Bonds is "worse" than those players. He accomplished feats on the field that no other player accomplished and the validity of the accomplishments are questionable, regardless of what other players may
  20. C.C. Sabathia says he'll wait until after the season to discuss contract extension: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/HeadLines...B&hl=228726
  21. I wonder if this will be enough for Bonds apologists: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3246542
  22. You're right it was Michael Jeter. weird dude but talented. He always kind of scared me. Not in a clown-like way, but a "he makes me a little angry" kind of way. Or maybe it's just that his last name was Jeter, I don't know.
  23. I think a lot of kids dig clowns because they haven't been marred by fears yet. Maybe they just like clowns, though.
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