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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Ah, the "hook." Just like the time I could have met Mr. T at the mall. The entire day, I kept saying, 'I'll go a little later, I'll go a little later...' And when I got there, they told me he just left. And when I asked the mall guy if he'll ever come back again, he said he didn't know. Well, I'm never going to let something like that happen again! Thanks for the tips, anyway.
  2. I had the site about 20 minutes ago and then lost it.... The terrorists have won.
  3. I've got a "new" used iMac and I do not know the password (for the Mac) to download that. Oh well. The show will be in their (iclips) archives according to them.
  4. That's not working either. I wonder if I need to download something (Mac)....
  5. I clicked the FAQ button but it's taking a while to load....
  6. Probably, but he also dismissed a Giant's defense that had been on them all day by not punting. I guess it's a rock and a hard place situation. Yeah, maybe cocky is the wrong word. I was surprised he'd go for it at that point with what the defense had been handing them, I guess.
  7. I agree there's a distinction, but it's not just the Yankees and the Red Sox that play this style of ball. I'd include OAK, CLE, and the D'Rays (to an extent). The power-ball is stereotypical of more American League teams, in general. Teams that play the traditional speed/base-path ball more are typically from the National League (SEA, FLA, StL, LAD, etc.). That was my main point. I find both styles of play interesting. I enjoy watching teams like the NYM and PHI that seemingly utilize a little style from both Leagues, too. Still, it's merely a personal taste in stating that NYY and BOS g
  8. True. Pretty cocky and overly assumptive.
  9. 2004 ALCS collapse. One of (if not the, in the eyes of many) the biggest chokes/collapses in all of sports. With the Pats, I think because of the spectacular season they had and the records they broke their season will at least be remembered for some of these accomplishments. Being beaten by a field goal in a Super Bowl isn't a "choke" in my eyes and as hard as the loss may be to them and the fans, they've got some merits to fall back on.
  10. Hence me saying that regardless of the teams, any game has the potential to be great. How consistently putting some of the best players in the MLB on the field for decades upon decades translates to boring baseball is beyond me. I think your gripe may be more in tune with the way American League v. National League ball is traditionally played, rather than the particular way the NYY or BOS play ball. The 2004 post season had importance and made history for more reasons than who was playing. The games will go down in the annals as historic because they were riveting, dramatic, intense, etc.
  11. The glut from the media reached it's peak in 2004. A lot of the hype comes from outside the NY/BOS region, though. Of course there's hype in the region and will continue to be. They've been rivals for close to 100 years. If I wasn't from the area/a fan I'd probably be sick of it too. I think it's on the wane (at least the baseball part, anyway), though. I disagree that the baseball between the two baseball teams is boring and will state that the 2004 ALCS was one of the greatest moments in baseball history to witness, regardless of any allegiance to either team. I think the match up is sti
  12. Everybody else calls them that, too. Part of bobbob's dislike stems from the hordes of bandwagon Sox fans nationwide since 3-4 years ago. As far as I know, he's never been to New England (Boston). Nothing wrong with this, but it's comparable to comparing the inanity and dumbed down version of a "typical" Sox fan in the inane and dumbed down movie, Fever Pitch. The other part I believe stems partially from his misbelief that the NE/BOS may have been a mecca for sports success forever, dating back to Cro-Magnum man, which has somehow allowed for a long-term wave of bragging rights/obnoxiousn
  13. I can think of at least five Super Bowls I've watched that I've thought were more exciting, overall, than yesterday's. I still enjoyed the game and it had a great finish, but it was lackluster throughout in my opinion.
  14. I agree with everything. Especially the "arguably" part of the greatest Super Bowl game ever. This is not to diminish the feeling of satisfaction for Giant's fans at all, but up until the last 5-6 minutes of the game I found it to be a rather placid game. Both teams played well enough but overall it was nothing remarkable in my eyes. I'm talking about the game, not the impact of the win. A lot of folks keep saying "greatest Super Bowl game," etc. and I just don't see it. Again, nothing to do with the outcome or the teams even, but the quality of the game/play itself.
  15. Like "experimental" or "free-form" or unformulaic?
  16. Nice game for the Giants and their fans. Congrats.
  17. I've logged a few hours in at Rudy's. Good beer selection, too. It's fairly small, though, and fills up quickly at night, especially on the weekends.
  18. Petty: Running Down A Dream-> The Waiting-> I Won't Back Down-> American Girl
  19. Here's to Art Monk and Darrell Green getting the Canton nod.
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