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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I think the incredible free-form yet cohesive jams they did in "Simple" (most notably from '97 shows) is my favorite piece of thing they've ever done.
  2. I agree with this, favoring the latter half of this period. I didn't pay much mind to Phish after '89-90 or so but have gotten back into them the last couple of years.
  3. But you sit on a toilet seat with pee spackle on it or around it that's been collecting germs since the last time you cleaned it. Besides, just...c'mon man, join the club....
  4. This sounds like a great barter. Let me know what you're looking for and I'd be happen to send some stuff. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of us have bumped into/had conversations with/shared a tale in a bathroom line/goofed on a situation/etc. together at some point....
  5. See I don't get this. Assuming you take a warm/hot (and even cold) shower the water rinses any pee spackle down the drain. Isn't this even better than stray spackle on/around the toilet bowl that sits around until you take a brush and some Comet to clean it up? Plus it's piss, people. It's not cyanide.
  6. Or really just over some ice on a hot day.
  7. Pee can also be consumed if desperate for water/liquid. I watched the chap from Man vs. Wild drink his own urine when he was in the desert.
  8. I watched the PBS Petty from Gainesville show last night and he's still got it. I like that guy. On the way to work: Garcia/Grisman '92 live The Who: By Numbers Jesus & Mary Chain: Psychocandy
  9. I see his name on the left with a 2001 c. on it. Also a "He's Gone" line. Nice work.
  10. I don't have an answer for your question, q23, as I was not aware of HDCD. However, your tale reminds me of a cd a buddy gave me a few years ago of Ryan Adams and Phil playing in his bar for an impromptu, spur-of-the-moment gig (about and hour +). I couldn't figure out why every time I'd go to play it no sound would come out. I chalked it up to him forgetting to actually burn it. Unitl about 6 mo. later he asked how I liked the "footage" and I figured out it was a dvd. I don't recall it from memory but it's fantastic. Looks like your work. Do you still sell 'em? I'd like a few.
  11. I think it's different for a chick than for a guy, though. Same substance and all, but a guy can aim a lot better. Really, you should try it. Once you do it you'll never want to stop doing it. You'll feel so liberated.
  12. They were a true "Swing" band during this time, much thanks to Kreutzman.
  13. If there's a better place to pee then I'd like to hear it. It goes straight down the drain and you're instantly washed off (I assumed the question of whether you pee in the shower or not is directed towards times when the shower is actually on and I'm in it). It's no more "gross" than washing body dirt off in the shower and having that go down the drain. Get with times, people. Everybody's doin' it. It's hip. It's edgy. Christ, it's fun.
  14. Was it recently, because supposedly he's back on the partying circuit: http://sports.aol.com/fanhouse/2008/01/20/...stays-the-same/
  15. Sure I would. I just wouldn't be willing to spend a lot of money to go.
  16. I probably wouldn't exceed $45-50 for any of them.
  17. Yeah, that would be horrible to have to endure.
  18. I am that dude, dude. Here's a transcript of the interview concerning Boggs' consumption: http://tastybooze.com/2007/04/the-origin-of-boggs/ FTR, Boggs says it was 67 beers, not 64 beers, on his blog: http://wadeboggs.blogspot.com/search/label...t%20no%20snakes
  19. It's been a few years for me, as well....
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