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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. But "beaten to death" (other than being an opinion) is a relative term. There was/is plenty to talk about in terms of the impact the deal has not just for the Mets but other teams. I realize discussion/analysis that goes deeper than Rah Rah stuff (and I'm not implying you here cryptique or antyone in particular) for a period of time (three pages/whatever) rankles some people, but it's also a lot of fun to hash stuff out for some of us. I don't have a problem with the casual fan adding to the talk with fanboy-isms, I'm not sure why having discussions that go deeper bother some people,tho
  2. Yeah, I think that was just Duane sitting in on Sugar Mags, Hurts Me Too and another tune slipping my mind.
  3. Biggest deal of the Hot Stove and all....
  4. To be honest, I didn't realize there were headings until about 1/3 of the way through. What is: numb-skulled? Do you think they'll accept "shoes?"
  5. Yeah, it is. My fifth graders will be proud to know I typed in "opposite." Eh.
  6. Shit, I knew that but typed in Nash because it wasn't coming to me. Well, time to sign up for American Idol, I guess. I think that's it. I kept wanting to type "Alyia" (sp) for some reason.
  7. I got that one. I panicked on the first one and didn't get The Real World in on time. Who's the British singer?
  8. 15 seconds goes by too quickly for this cat.
  9. I tend to agree with a 2-3 year window on that.
  10. Fair point. Though I'm not sure any team really thought he'd be a Twin (including the Twins) when the season starts. There's also the possibility that both NYY and BOS (and NYM, even) know things about risk-injury with Santana that we don't know. And that both NYY and BOS simply couldn't justify spending that kind of money for a 5-6 year deal on a power pitcher who in no way is guaranteed to continue to produce at the level he has. In the end, Santana is a huge investment and may well produce at comparable levels down the road to what he has done in the past, but it's a long contract for a p
  11. It's on archives ("sbd") for stream: http://www.archive.org/details/gd70-02-11....90.sbefail.shnf And I have other methods if you need it. The Dark Star is quite unique.
  12. Fillmore East 2-11-70; Duane, Gregg, and Peter Green. Dark Star-> Spanish jam-> Lovelight. Pretty smokin', as you know. The available stuff I have is pretty decent sound. I'd love to hear an "official" release, though.
  13. I guess what I'm saying is: why would NYY turn that deal down, regardless of what BOS had or didn't have on the table? NYY need the pitching more than BOS and it would have been a good deal for NYY to not have to give up Champberlain/Hughes. Either way, it appears that once NYY and BOS both "knew" the other was not going to pursue Santana and that they'd be able to hold on to their young guys, it didn't matter too much too either team that NYM got him.
  14. But how would they know a deal with BOS was truly dead? Those two teams are incredibly leery of eachother and the Twins pitted them nicely. You'd think that the NYY would be foolish to turn down the Klapisch mentioned deal, regardless of BOSD's offers or supposed non-offers.
  15. I was just about to post the Klapisch link. It does seem hard to believe that the NYY would NOT accept Santana for Ian Kennedy, Melky, and a prospect. Thwe bottom line is the Twins ended up settling for less than they could have gotten a few weeks earlier. The prospects are nice but there was proven very young talent on the table not long ago.
  16. This was my take on it, too. Of course, there were so many rumors/reports swirling daily around the Santana trade possibilities that it's hard to truly know what offers were valid and which were bluffs/hedges/etc. by Cashman and Epstein.
  17. I'm not sure you're following the progression of the thread, though. It's been mentioned a few times that the feeling is that the Twins probably burned some bridges in their dealings with the NYY and BOS. Also, that they still got #2, 3, 4 and 7 top prospects from the NYM. Which isn't bad.
  18. Best wishes on your birthday, Basil. Hope to see you around soon.
  19. And, I seriously doubt the folks behind Jeopardy! would be foolish enough to use the same questions for the on-line test three nights in a row.
  20. Not sure about the Bible question but I believe that J-Buch (Buchanan) was the only President that never married.
  21. I'm signed up for tomorrow night. It's timed, I presume? If it is timed, Alex doesn't chime in periodically with unwitty comments followed by a laugh track to slow you up does he?
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