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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. BOS trades RHPs Willy Mota and Miguel Socolovich for David Aardsma (CWS): http://boston.redsox.mlb.com/news/press_re...sp&c_id=bos
  2. Well, technically it wasn't his dog. It was the neighbor's dog. Which explains everything.
  3. I think censorship in the private sector is fine. Like this site, for example. It costs money to run/maintain so I feel the people that run it have the final say. I censor what my kids watch on t.v., too, because some of it is just plain inane.
  4. Quoting a man who eschews even shirts, though?
  5. I think it was '94 that they opened for the Dead a few times. I was at some of them but don't recall going in early to see/hear them. I think it'll be a decent mesh with Petty.
  6. Yes. I'll try to find it.
  7. Looks like Erik Bedard to Seattle for Adam Jones is imminent: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...MLB&id=3449
  8. Oh I don't know. There was a show I have where he asked this and it seemed to fit the picture.
  9. Cool picture. Also known as the show when he asked the crowd: "do these pants make my ass look fat?"
  10. Best wishes to you both on your respective birthdays. I see it's a close race between you two, age-wise. I've got money on MChris taking Donna next year. Enjoy the magic universally known as panda deep-knee bends: :badger
  11. I used to piss into beer bottles on long car rides quite often. Not as driver, but passenger. The screw-top bottles were convenient for this. I'm known to have the bladder of a gerbil once I get going on the beers and gfs/pals would get tired of having to pull over all the time. The only problem with this is that I often needed to pee more than 12 oz. so I had to go to another bottle(s) often in mid-piss. This is where I became adept at the crimp-and-switch.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jOdEEn5Gq0
  13. Robinson Cano to get at least 4 yr/30 M (possible 6 yr/56 M with buy-out options) with NYY: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/base...tml?eref=si_mlb
  14. I've only heard of three acts on the list but- 1) I wasn't aware The Moody Blues still existed. 2) I've read several poor reviews of the New York Dolls re-emergence on both album and performance. 3) Dr. John is awesome. I've only seen him once (opening for the JGB in NY over 20 yrs. ago) but it was a memorable and enjoyable show.
  15. See if you can follow this: I met up with some dudes at the '88 Alpine shows (I'd never met them before) and they were staying at a really nice place by a lake about 15 min. or so outside the venue. They let me shower and swim and hang out with comped drinks and other comped things for the day off between shows. Super nice guys. Turns out they were great friends with a chick I went to college with (I didn't find this out until 3 mo. later when I started dating her and she recognized me from a photo one of the dudes took of me). I dated that girl for 7 years. We went to the one of the gu
  16. I've got both on hold. Thanks, Donna.
  17. I'll be looking for this at the library tomorrow.
  18. I started The Road when it first came outand dropped it after 50-60 pages. I just was not that into it. I realize it's received a lot of praise but it wasn't my bag. I read Hosseini's The Kite Runner and liked it and will eventually read the earlier one. I'll look into the Diaz book. Thanks.
  19. Have not read the first one mentioned, by O'Brien. I have read The Devil in the White City and hear Larson's newest, Thundestruck is quite good too. It's one I'm thinking about. Will look into the last one mentioned, too. Thanks.
  20. I've got several books on order that won't be in until early-mid Feb., so I need a good recommendation for a fairly current book. I've got plenty of classics, older books, etc. around the house but want something fairly recent (last few years). I'd prefer fiction as that's what I've been into the last few months. I enjoyed Water for Elephants and The Secret Life of Bees quite a bit. I picked up Philip Roth's Exit Ghost at the library last weekend only to realize it's part four of a series so I canned it. I also picked up Clapton's biography but was pretty bored with it after a day or two.
  21. Sorry. It's just something I'm extremely passionate about.
  22. Had you pissed in the shower you could have had a baker's dozen streams erupting uncontrollably out of your wang dang doodle and all would have been right in the world. Really, though, the correct thing to do here is to crimp the hose and head to the shower.
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