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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. First time listening to this (or any Iron & Wine for that matter). It's pretty damn infectious.
  2. Troy Tulowitzki on verge of signing record-breaking deal for player with less than two years MLB experience: 6 yr/30 M. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3205453
  3. I've never been a big fan of theirs but there was a tune that was on a Geffen sampler disc I had in the early/mid-90s called "Einstein on the Beach (For an Eggman)" that was fantastic. I don't know if it ever made it onto an official album of theirs but I have heard it on the radio from time to time.
  4. Considering his reported paranoia, anti-Americanism (days after 9/11:“This is all wonderful news. I want to see the US wiped out”), antisemitism, and misogyny it's ironic that he was raised in Brooklyn by a Jewish mother.
  5. He was in a ton of "All in the Family" and "Archie Bunker's Place" episodes, too.
  6. SABR Boston Winter Meeting, featuring Bill James and "Website Roundtable" next week. Free: http://www.soxprospects.com/sabr.htm
  7. I cited this earlier but it's worth repeating here. A list of his t.v./film roles. Pretty extensive and long career; http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0578510/
  8. Reds sign Jeremy Affeldt to 1 yr/3 m deal. Affeldt will compete for a starting spot: http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/7695584 BOS interested in Brad Wilkerson: http://www.bostonherald.com/blogs/sports/r...son-in-the-mix/
  9. Get "your" team on your caskets/tombstones/urns! Eternal Image can help: http://www.eternalimage.net/mlb_page.html
  10. Yeah, it may be time to get a Sirius system. This, Dylan's show, Bob Mould's got a show, etc.
  11. That's pretty much all we ask.
  12. Interesting "Chat" w/ espn's Jason Stark comparing Hanley Ramirez and Troy Tulowitzki: http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=18852
  13. Hear the one with the mustache say "Jeez, I can't find my knees...."
  14. CO re-signs Matt Holliday to 2 yr/23 M contract: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3202974 Carlos Pena gets huge raise: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3202548
  15. The one on the left must've had the highway blues.
  16. For those that don't know, JamBase is an on-line magazine that covers a lot of "Jam" bands but more succinctly, they cover good music. They frequently laud non-"Jam" bands/artists like Flaming Lips, Wilco, Ween, Lucinda Williams, Ryan Adams, etc., etc. and they often get some really nice interviews. This is another list but it polls individual people in music. Included are their comments on albums/shows of the year. I always find these kind of cool; to see what other folks are listening to and seeing live: http://www.jambase.com/Articles/Story.aspx?StoryID=12412
  17. And ignorance. Let's not forget the ignorance. I teach a "Nutrition" lesson weekly (with the food to match) and it's amazing how little the kids know about what is good for the body and what isn't. It's an inner city school and a lot of the kids simply don't eat well because their parents don't. However, it's not just an economic thing. TIn a lot od cases, the sizes of fast food portions has quadrupled (or so) the last 10-15 years and it's not uncommon to see people from all economic strata walking around with 64 oz. soda cups slurping away. It's amazing.
  18. When did chess become mainstream?
  19. In other shocking death news, Ike Turner died from too much blow. 76 years old, too: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Music/01/1...aine/index.html
  20. I agree that the major difference is that Whiskeytown= band and all, but The Cardinals are a band too and I still find a disticntion in Ryan's singing compared to his Whiskeytown days. I think his voice comes across as more controlled in the early years. He can be abrasive with the vocals in his solo/Cardinals stuff at times. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I notice subtle differences.
  21. I'm not sure I get the point of Jessica Simpson "being shoved in our faces" deal or even the point that she's "what we, as a society want" part. The chick has gold albums and stars in movies. Whether she's any good at that stuff is in the eye of the beholder, but just because some folks find her attractive why does that play into her being forced on the public? She's a public figure regardless of her looks. Haven't "good-looking" actors/actresses/singers always graced the front pages of the tabloids, anyway? Didn't Anne Margret and Jean Harlow and Clark Gable and Errol Flyyn, etc. sell magaz
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