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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. http://www.last.fm/event/242701 I think I saw it in this week's Westword, too.
  2. Apparently Ryan Adams and Lucinda Williams are headlining a show up at Red Rocks in a month or two. Old 97's are slated, too. Could be worth a trip up the hill. Some coffee fest or something.
  3. I've got the Belkin Tunebase: It runs for about $70 and works with the radio transmission. I've not had much of an issue with it in terms of static. I just drove back from the mountains today and I had to switch stations once up and once back. No big deal. Works great in the city, too. I've heard different reports (not as favorable) from people with the same set up in different parts of the country, though. It stopped working on me about 6 weeks after I purchased it and they replaced it no questions asked. Very agreeable. I'd like to eventually get the wireless (transmitter/no radi
  4. Only if you're not packin' heat, though.
  5. Heck, that's a paintin'. He's uglier and more gorgeous naturally.
  6. The wine, amigo. I enjoy. Got any firearms handy?
  7. Not that y'all care, but Papelbon pleased me tonight. It's been a full week since I was able to watch a Sox game. Welcome home, bastard.
  8. Haven't read the thread but is it not as simple as not tuning in?
  9. I was pals with their original road manager (their high school buddy, my college chum) and they came around the time their first hit "But Anyway" was making the circuits (yet no official album yet). They liked drugs and party-in' as did we so it melded. Lots of whiskey, too. Upturned tables and dancin' fools. Cops came by around 2:30-3:00 a.m. and the nitrous had already knocked us all prone. Bodies strewn about. No citations due to yours truly's verbals. I was always good with the smooth talkin'.
  10. Serious question: I was looking through the household library last night for a good book to read and came across The Secret Life of Bees. My wife read it, apparently. I've read the comments here of high praise but also read the jacket in which it's touted as a book that will be passed down from woman to woman, or some such. Now, I've got nothing wrong with reading books that are well written that appeal to females, particularly. But, would I, as a male, like the book or not? Is it something I'll just end up not "getting" due to my gender, or is it more universal than I'm giving it credit fo
  11. Well. Happy Birthday, folks!
  12. Looks like a pre-stomach-staple pic. Popper and band trashed my place in VA once in '88. The nitrous tank was the only thing standing when the heat showed up.
  13. I can't view the others with firefox, but that one in your post is a sharp shot. Nice work.
  14. I can relate to what david is saying. The band does play their catalog in similar fashion night in/night out for particular tours. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but can understand wanting them to shake it up a little here and there. Nothing wrong with that. I've seen a lot of bands who thrive on the spontaneity/exploration route for their live material and enjoy it immensely. I've seen Dylan a bunch, and never really seen the same take on his tunes from tour to tour. That's his bag. I realize what I'm going to get if I catch a few Wilco shows on a given tour and that's smokin'
  15. Even though I think this thread was started as a plug, I'll toss out Dexter Grove. They were a duo from NY who lived out here in CO for a bunch of years. Now they've split up and the guitarist/singer, Charlie Orlando, does a solo thing and a band thing under his name.
  16. Some of the folks on the list and others cited afterwards do not belong on the list. However, these guys should be on "The List": A makeup-less Marilyn Manson. This makes me think the whole persona/make-up thing is merely a ruse: Tom Petty: The meeting of MM and Iggy, two guys who should be on "The List": And the lost Ramone brother, Patti Smith:
  17. Nirvana dumping Chad Channing for Dave Grohl. The GD dumping the Godchauxs. Donna was played out and Keith was to a point of merely mimicking Garcia's guitar towards the end. He was pretty out of it. Brent was a breath of fresh air that gave them a whole new dimension for the better. Then again, the Dead had tried to "fire" both Weir and Pigpen for awhile but they simply kept showing up at rehearsals and gigs. Perseverance/stubbornness to the extreme.
  18. It is a very passionate take on it. Whether you're a Garcia fan or not, check out his version as well. A lot of emotion goes into his take, too.
  19. I wasn't thinking track number, though, just weighty tunes....
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