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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Good luck with Dubliners. I realize Joyce is considered a great writer (and he is) but cripes he can be hard to read. If I had a long flight I'd probably try to tackle David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest yet again, though I'm not sure it would pass on-flight weight restrictions.
  2. Schweet! Thanks for the head's up. Scofield and Warren kick ass together. Mts. of the Moon... Dark Star v.2 Lucy in the Sky Lovelight
  3. Thanks, but the gentleman answered my query. However, If I ever need that particular link you will be the first person I pm, godloveya.
  4. Gotcha. Now what the hell does that mean? disclaimer: I'm not trying to be a twat, just informed.
  5. Can someone please explain to me what the hell you are all talking about? I'm dead serious.
  6. My cat's breath smells like cat food.
  7. King Missile mention the one-armed drummer from Def Leppard, G'n R, and the Stones in "Rock 'n Roll Will Never Die", Otis Redding in "The Way To Salvation," and Hendrix in "Jesus Was Way Cool." Jay-Z references the Grateful Dead in "Encore."
  8. Baseball has a lot more of a human element to it than other sports. It doesn't move at a quick pace like basketball or hockey. There's a lot of time when the ball is not in play that a viewer has to notice a lot of details about the game and the players. Also, you can actually see the player's faces, unlike in football or hockey (for the most part) while they're playing. I don't think compiling a stack of numbers/stats to show how better on paper a particular player might be is going to change people's opinions on players. People do remember if a player comes up short in a particular big ga
  9. When you were learning how to walk, I was a freshman.
  10. RAIN DELAY You'll have to wait another half hour to watch the match up, Earl.
  11. Not trying to add any fuel to the fire (if that's what it is, even) but I don't think that a few (too many?) posts from a few select folks reflect the board's collective attitude. People that read the board should be able to sift through the noise. I'd hope so, at least. I've got no problem with dissenting opinion but some of the stuff in that thread was ridiculous and it probably should have been shut down sooner because it was an ugly wheel of "debate" that pretty much went nowhere.
  12. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Chuck go through the agony of perpetual yips near the end.
  13. Best of luck, Louie. Glad you get to free yourself of the cubicle. A change is always nice. And remember, they make laptops now....
  14. Better than being knee-deep in your 80s, though. Happy Birthday.
  15. Gladly. And that dvd-sized tuner is like a small, single dvd player.
  16. On my Comcast system the DVR was separate from the channel tuner. the separate tuner was a pretty small unit though, about the size of a dvd player. I recently switched to DirecTV and do not like it nearly as much as the cable (Comcast), though. No "On Demand" and horribly small print for channel surfing. I'd gladly take the separate units back.
  17. Because it doesn't happen at the professional level. Heck, it doesn't happen in Little League.
  18. How are you coming to the conclusion of your opinion that this is common for a base runner to do? I've yet to read/hear anybody calling this a common occurrence in MLB. I think any player, including Jeter, would be getting called out on it today. The fact that it's Arod doesn't help, as he makes being a punching bag easy.
  19. How this is the same as trying to deke a guy with a large soft (compared to a baseball) basketball is beyond me. It has nothing to do with McDonald letting it "get" to him and everything to do with potential interference by the baserunner, putting opposing players at unnecessary risk of injury, and being classless. The fielder is looking up into the sky (ceiling) trying to make a catch. If he doesn't decipher the voice calling for the ball in the second or two he has to catch it he's letting a guy "get" to him? Come on. If it were considered a common and fair play then guys would be droppin
  20. A-rod has carved a name for himself with this, though. In Moneyball he's accused of stealing signs from the A's while at bat. The slap. This. Again, this is not something that is commonly accepted as "part of the game." There's also the possibilty that it violates baserunning rules (not just etiquette) in that it interferes with a fielder's ability to make the play. ed. Freel physically collided with his teammate (Hopper, I think) and was down on the ground for 10 minutes or so before leaving on a stretcher....
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