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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. There are rumors floating around that The Police will be playing two shows at Fenway Park in late July (28/29th). Beats Dave Matthews Band, I guess
  2. I've got a show of the White Stripes covering Dylan's Isis that'd fit the bill....
  3. Up Where We Belong, Joe Cocker (featuring Jennifer Warnes). Trust me on this one, there won't be a dry eye in the house.
  4. For maybe the 3rd/4th time only since mid-December it's finally feeling like a Denver winter. Today it got up to about 64 degrees. Some ice/snow actually melted. And for a fleeting few hours I remembered why I love this area. It's been pretty brutally cold here for over a month. Sub-zero has been more the norm than the exception at nights and the sun has been playing hide-and-seek. What're ya gonna do..? Yeah, currently 36 degrees out by a perma-frost frozen Siberian hell in my soul.
  5. I can't view from work as it's firewalled but I bid on a shirt yesterday. Back off, bitches.
  6. I didn't listen to a lot of pop radio and I certainly didn't listen to a lot of Prince. In fact, I'd probably switch the dial when he came on most of the time (or the channel, as it were). Just not my bag. I still don't really dig the guy, I was impressed with his performance yesterday, though.
  7. I've never followed Prince or his tunes (save for what I've heard on the radio in the 80s/90s) but have been told he's great live (yeah, right). Well boy is my face purple. I was impressed. I wasn't aware he was such a decent guitarist, either.
  8. Lammycat

    walk on

    Here's to owl and froggie. Very nice quality on both, esp. the froggie "Walk On". Thanks guys.
  9. Here's a pic of my next door neighbor Dale giving me a riding to work. God bless Dale. (Get a load of how Dale's all "buckle yourself in tight-like, man"...and all).
  10. Loving Cup. Wins. Sorry Bob. Although: the beginning of "Rolling Stone" has been referred to as the shot heard 'round the world. So...I may change my answer in 3-9 minutes.
  11. Let's toss in Greg's daughter, Pieta Brown, as well. I've seen Greg many times, and I'll agree he's a very decent songwriter. I like his daughter's stuff, as well.
  12. JOE WALSH!!!!!! Why, he's never played.....
  13. A little better sounding than the first tune....
  14. Very quiet in the audience. He's got them mesmerized by his mad skillz. And whatnot.
  15. From Wendy, earlier: Control Panel Quicktime Advanced Media Types - make sure it is checked.
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