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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Very nice. My wife and kids and the other part of the entourage leave Thurs. morning (from Denver) at 5:30 a.m. just to get in line for kick-ass camping spots(we all got the on-site/car parking). I'll be leaving work Fri. afternoon and heading straight up with all the hassle being (appreciatively) taken care of. Here's hoping the evening storms that have been blowing through the last week abate for the weekend.
  2. It's been 3-4 years since I've made it to Folks Fest, but I thought the VIP section was directly behind the soundboard, no? Everytime I've been it's been very casual and not a problem to slip towards the front for particular acts. I'll be in a large group of friends and most of us have young kids so we tend to hang towards the side about half way back. great sound anywhere in the joint, anyway.
  3. If you're planning on camping, check availability first so as not to make that long of a drive and possibly be left looking for last-minute accomodations. http://www.bluegrass.com/folks/index.html
  4. Lammycat: I, too, am looking forward to this. It's bound to be a magical night. See you there....
  5. Sure, he looks 65, but he's got the liver of a 30 year old.
  6. Not to mention everything seemed to be really jibing with the band then. The shows were generally exceptionally well played. The sound on the tapes from these years were exceptional, but had the shows not been so professionally and heart-felt played, I'm not sure they'd continue to receive the deserved kudos they appropriately receive. You really can't go wrong with selections from this era.
  7. Do I win immunity from gratuitously soap-boxing for Papelbon?
  8. So. I'm quite looking forward to this Friday, Aug. 18th as JT takes the closing spot for the first night of this traditionally fantastic weekend. It's always been a very laid back and relatively family-oriented event in the picturesque setting of Lyons, CO. Any others partaking this coming weekend?
  9. Yeah, Healy was really fan-friendly when it came to sharing the recordings, as well as allowing folks to patch-in to the soundboard, particularly prior to him spear-heading the "official" allowance of recording shows in '84. I believe the GD were the first touring band to sanction and sell "taper" tix and reserve a taper section for such purposes (originally directly in front of the board, IIRC, and soon moved to directly behind the board). This all in no small part due to Healy's connection to the fans. (mountain bed: cd's were sent off today)
  10. Healy was "let go" from being the Dead's soundman in early '94. It was pretty well-regarded that Weir detested Healy fucking with his vocals on certain tunes and that Weir thought he was trying to sabotage his tunes in concert. John Cutler took over for the remainder of the shows until JG died.
  11. "Fidel Castro underwent a series of operations over the weekend. When asked how he felt after awaking from surgery to discover he had been dressed in USA-themed clothing, Castro shot his classic 'Not funny. Not funny at all' look before breaking into a fit of giggles."
  12. That's just karma working it's chameleon-like ways.
  13. Sure. I started seeing shows in '81 and am a big Brent fan. I am particularly partial to '83. Lots of very solid shows and only a few duds in my opinion.
  14. I forgot to catch him on Leno the other night but I've heard this tune(and a few others) from the new one. I haven't heard the album in its entirety but from the tracks I've heard I've enjoyed it. FWIW, though, I'll listen to pretty much anything he puts out. His albums are overall very good (his last original one, "East Nasheville Skyline" is fantastic) but the real treat with Todd Snider is catching him live. He's a true freak and usually tells some great and funny tales between tunes.
  15. Why would you allow monsters to inhabit the young man's closet?
  16. My older brother got bit in the cheek/mouth area when we were little by our dog. He had to get all sorts of shots because of the germ thing (my bro, not the dog). And stitches. It was the one and only time the dog bit a human. Although she would chase and bark at car tires up and down the street.
  17. Sweet. Excellent writer and a baseball afficionado. Was this in the Hudson Valley area? I want to pick up his new book detailing his freindships with famous folks inside and outside of baseball. I forget the name of it but it's recent.
  18. I have no idea if Loria is a baseball fan or not, but he doesn't have a great track record as a "baseball guy." His abandonment of the Expos was questionable (along with Selig's blessing) and he's been looking to shop the Marlins elsewhere as early as the end of last season. He's been regarded as a greedy owner by not a few in the media.
  19. It's kind of funny how managers and coaches wear uniforms in baseball. You don't see football coaches suiting up, or soccer coaches, or basketball or hockey or lacrosse coaches dolling up in the team unis. And come to think of it, how come the base coaches rarely stand in the boxes alotted them. And the on-deck guy never stands in the on-deck circle.
  20. And again, it really is an enormous catalogue of music with the GD. As has previously been mentioned, it depends on what your interests are with them. Their music varies widely, from lullaby-ballads to country-western to swing to flat-out balls-out rock.
  21. I'm certainly not attempting to be smug or contrarian, it just seemed to me it shouldn't have to be a process to go through to like any particular band. I realize the body of work is vast with the GD and the poster was soliciting advise....it just seemed to me as if it was a little forced. My bad.
  22. Boyd Tinsley. He used to play around Roanoke, VA with his own band a lot when I lived there. A fine musician and a nice cat, to boot.
  23. Should appreciating a band be this difficult?
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