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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Plenty of people sleep with pillows on their heads. Possibly one of the best decisions the man ever made.
  2. There are quite a few from '79 that really stand out, too.....
  3. The Shakedown second set opener is smmmmmmmokin' (not to mentioned it's followed up with a tight Bertha).
  4. I saw the Hampton shows and they were pretty good, actually ("Box" bust out, iirc) and was at the RFK shows that were, save for a few bright spots, tepid.
  5. I, generally, get a kick out of Healy's messing with the vocals/sounds (though it's likely a key contributor to his dismissal from the band, or so II've heard/read). Yeah, it is a sloppy show, particularly that 1st set. Garcia's voice being shot is odd because it's only 2-3 shows into the first ones of the year, though it was the year he fell into the coma 4 months later....
  6. Neville Bros sitting in for a few tunes. I've had this tape for years but don't listen to it much. That "Truckin'" intro has Healy fucking with/distorting the guitars....
  7. From Musician Magazine (1980)- Musician: Where's rock and jazz influenced music headed in your view? Pastorius: “It's going to Ft. Lauderdale. That's where I'm going on Monday. What can I tell you? I can play rock-and-roll and I can play jazz. I don't know too many people who can do both. And that's the future.”
  8. "Up on Cripple Creek" from the Last Waltz is pretty great, after the intro/theme music....
  9. I have these digitally through a friend and agree. It never fails when having trouble deciding what GD to put on. I just looked up on Amazon and it's listed at $875 used and $999 new. Jesus Christ.
  10. Ditto from comment 1, and it really is, from comment 2. The musical twists and turns in the band's history is remarkable. Play something from '66, '72, '77, acoustic '80, and maybe '88 to someone without much knowledge of the band and there's a good chance they might not make a connection that it's the same band.
  11. I've heard of them. What better way to enjoy a book club than discussing a nice fictional work with others while baked? Also, my wife made these things last weekend where sunny-side up eggs were in the middle of buttery-grilled toast. Pretty amazing world we live in....
  12. Ditto. Already planning on it for my Friday early eve pre-dinner adult beverage with the wife hour or so tunes....
  13. YES! A couple minutes long, I believe. Then Weir says something about having a winner and things are now just exactly perfect to go on.....
  14. Yeah, that Help->Slip-> Frank is insane. The only one that comes to mind that is THAT insane is the GAMH one from Aug '75.I love everything about that 6/9/77 show. The LLR is gorgeous, too. The double encore is almost funny with the selection of U.S. Blues and its brother OMSN....
  15. Yes, and I keep most of the tapes in big Tupperware crates in the garage and it's conducive to listening to them on the back porch (between the house and the garage) that way....
  16. I, fortunately or unfortunately, have never been able to decisively distinguish between crisp 'boards and an official release. Between a matrix and a sbd, sure. Either way, it's pretty amazing that so much of the GD music is available to us in so many different forms. i still listen to some of the close to 1,000 tapes during the summer that I will never part with....
  17. I downloaded several hundred off archives a bunch of years ago before they only allowed the sbds to be streamed, and a few buddies who have extensive BT experience and copies of shows have hooked me up by putting shows into files for me to upload onto iPod/disc. Also, a buddy who was a pretty extensive taper in the 80s has a direct line with a certain notorious taper known for his transfers. Point being that there are a lot of ways to acquire the shows. I realize support of the band, etc., etc., but was just curious why some of you still opt to pay for "official" releases of the shows. I kno
  18. Just curious, but why do you guys continue to buy these discs when most are available (or were previously available) at comparable quality and for free?
  19. My wife just got a notice on her phone that the first season of Better Call Saul is now available. Nice news as we both have a snow day from work.
  20. I've read Trey saying he practiced with Bob separately, Phi separately, the 3 together, and with Weir and Billy in NYC. I'd assume they all practiced together at least a couple run throughs of their list....
  21. Good point. I haven't been to Hampton since maybe '92. Forgot how small it was....
  22. Gonna be a wicked pissa, fellas!
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