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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I think I do. Hannibal finally nails that hard-to-get Clarice?
  2. Is that a tv series based on a movie based on a book?
  3. This conjures up images, every time, of Jessica Lange.....
  4. I could never stay sober, on the Corpus Christi Bay....
  5. Pretty sure this had to do with Keys' (somewhat) legendary drinking and missing gigs because of the drinking. Shitty, yeah, but perhaps understandable, too.
  6. The rumor is they'd be using rotating guitarists (Stu Allen, John K, Warren, Scofield, Trey, Jeff Mattson, etc.).
  7. You're right, it's still conjecture at this point. My bad. I checked the links of folks who emailed me and it's still that Allen dude who's got the book out and the same rumor that's been floating around, all from him, for a couple of weeks. My bad.
  8. Looks like the "core 4" will be playing, at least Lock'n, in this GD reunion-hype, with rotating guitarists. Eh.
  9. Watched most of National Geographic's America Before Columbus yesterday. Who new that pigs played such an important part in American history...?
  10. I saw Pylon open for REM on the Green tour. Hadn't heard their name in a long while. NRBQ is a great, fun band. Look into Kick Me Hard, At Yankee Stadium, and/or the first one, NRBQ. The compilation 2-disc Peek-a-Boo is good for what it is, too (greatest hits deal).
  11. ^ Drives me nuts. It's one thing to show that stuff on the big screens at a show but leave it out of a video, please, No one needs it and it breaks up the flow.
  12. I don't listen to a lot of "new" music but I've I've appreciated and really liked almost everything Jack White-involved for the past bunch of years. For whatever reason, I just can't really get into this latest one. I think I've listened to it twice.I get a few tunes in and say to myself something to the effect of : "Why? I should be listening to Blunderbuss, instead...."
  13. The Peter Fonda movie about a guy dosing? That movie blew.
  14. I think there was still some good/great playing (farther and fewer between shows, but still....) up until '95, actually. I can pinpoint some very nice playing in '93, '94, and '95.The "Visions" from Philly '95 is a good example of top-notch playing and sweet voice in the dark days of the final countdown.... His voice never bothered me but in '84-'85 it was the "worst" as his health issues had peaked. Listen to a "Might as Well" from this era, for example, and he's virtually choking to get the words out in the chorus at the end. All garbled and shit.
  15. Yep. The first night Silva Hall show was a double (due to Garcia losing his place, I'd imagine) "....I wish I was a headlight...." verse in the Rider. Always got a kick out of that.....You can hear Weir starting into the final "I know yo rider,,,,: verse and Garcia belts out over the "...headlight" verse for a second time.
  16. Jane's Addiction doing Nothing's Shocking and more. Might try to catch Banyan playing at a bar after the show if it's not too late...
  17. I wasn't shocked, but yeah, it being the biggest contract ever surprised me. It was inevitable that A-rod's contract would be trumped at some point, but not sure a lot of folks saw the Marlins being the ones to trump it....
  18. Probably the largest contract in North American sports history that is now in a locked thread?
  19. Good lord: http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/writer/jon-heyman/24816967/marlins-stanton-mega-deal-is-in-place-325m-13-years-early-opt-out
  20. It's been about that here since last Tuesday (give or take a few degrees here/there). Got down to 1 degree last Thursday. Went ahead and bought a warmer coat.
  21. I understand them ending Furthur. A lot of signs point to them (Bob and Phil) simply being burned out from touring. I see Weir setting up camp somewhere close to home a la Phil or streaming studio shows from TRI. P&F continues to draw full houses and Ratdog has "slogged" around for nearly 20 years at this point, also packing houses.
  22. Here in the States we'd have blown that guy's arm off with a 12-gauge.
  23. Early bird tix were $199 (ended Oct. 21, I think).
  24. You should retire! Maybe wait 'til he dies to sell it, though. He's done some cool posters.
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