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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Not a huge Springsteen fan but really like Devils and Dust. Not sure if I've heard Magic or not or if he was over 50 when he made Devils and Dust but it's a keeper. Essential, for my nearly non-existent Springsteen collection, imo.
  2. I've already started prepping my body for the 13 lb. book by re-attempting David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest....
  3. Pretty sure every baseball fan outside of the Bay area will be rooting for KC. They're a good story and a really fun team to watch.
  4. Read this on a whim several years ago and enjoyed it quite a bit.
  5. Don't forget to pick up the metal hats!
  6. Just seek out mountain bed's house. He'll take care of your music needs.
  7. It was likely only great because you're white....
  8. Wasn't Kraftwerk mostly a 70s-80s band? If so, that's my time, too.
  9. Ha. When was "my time"? And yes, I have no problem dismissing an entire branch of music I find lame, because I can. I do like some Hip-Hop type stuff like Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Jurassic 5, and such, too. Good stuff, imo. Which is what it all boils down to, anyway.Maybe that's my time....?
  10. Sweet. Ordered the Yankee Stadium (used to have Lp of, too) one and Brass Tacks. Thanks for the tip. Really like to get a hold of a Kick Me Hard cd if you ever come across one at a reasonable price....
  11. I just checked Amazon to get some NRBQ on disc and my favorite, Kick Me Hard, is only available Mp3 (or about $40 used on disc). I used to have it (and a couple others) on Lp. Wish I'd kept them.
  12. You're an old cocktail rediscovered.
  13. The Moscow Mule has been around for awhile, though the first I heard of it was a couple years ago when my lady ordered one at dinner.
  14. Can't view the link from work but I'll assume he credits Spirit for how "he" wrote the song. It is a little uncanny.
  15. I heard the original "Live and Let Die" on the way to work this a.m. and it still sounds pretty great with the orchestra in it....
  16. If they let Kraftwerk in, I'd assume they would eventually have to let The Beatles in, too....
  17. Isn't my face red for not realizing a German art-synth-crap band from the 80s are The Beatles of my time. Isn't it the 2nd or 3rd time they've been on the ballot to the quirky R&R HOF ballot? Maybe I'm not so alone on this one.
  18. Yeah I'm not really supposed to be drinking the hard stuff around the house anymore. Short story, really, but.....
  19. That reminds me: I still need to pick up some ginger ale on the way home from work.
  20. Well, NIN, Kraftwerk, and The Smiths all blow. Besides, no one has really even heard any of "Kraftwerks" tunes before. Or any tunes by NIN, come to think of it, besides that tune "Hurt" (that Johnny Cash did a nice job on) or that one where they're like la la la "help me" la la la. So, hard to have a serious discussion about the merit of one band being more "influential" or having a "better" body of work over another when no one has even heard the music of some of these "bands".
  21. Ha! WTF is "HOF" material, considering the joke of a HOF that Rolling Stone puts together? There are no parameters, apparently, and most bands/artists will eventually be in, anyway. It's a crock.
  22. So was Ginger Baker....
  23. Lemmy and Ginger Baker were in the same band, years ago.
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