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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. you calling anyone hypersensitive is kinda ironical
  2. I found finding stuff on a 60gb unwieldy so I can't imagine scrolling through 160 GB.
  3. the apple store doesn't seem to confirm the existence of a 16 gb. clearly I'm missing something that may complete my life.
  4. I'm still of the buy the cheapest one mind. the more expensive models don't have any greater longevity. but then again, I have access to most of my music on my computer and only use my ipod for the car or walking around.
  5. people with kids who start school on wednesday often shop at walmart the saturday prior.
  6. I was at wall mart earlier and if not for all the goddamn trees there would have probably been enough parking for all the cars looking for spots.
  7. A-man must be on vacation. what's the difference between the over the ear and on ear versions of the bose triports?
  8. I got one letting it go funny how those with the challenges to improving humanity usually miss the most obvious one.
  9. Sean changed his user name and now I'm saddled with this one for 30 more days
  10. I'm not a big fan of running other people's lives. I only know that if I were the father I'd prefer to see the pregnancy through and seek some other ending to the story.
  11. not only couldn't I place every state but if any one ever tried to teach me that or get to pay attention long enough to memorize that I'd surely have walked out of the classroom.
  12. aside from filler stuff the buddha's enlightenment that was primarily about the controversial reincarnation of a tibetan tulku into the body of white american boy living in seattle. it would have made an interesting book (thus saving us from Keaneau)
  13. everything is full of hyporcites including atheism. It's how you live your life and where you heart is that matters. In this thread you're doing the exact same thing you're complaining about.
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