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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I listen to Limbaugh when I get the chance. He's a fairly entertaining guy. He freely admits he's merely an entertainer. Hannity is just an idiot. Stabenow is a joke, even in Michigan. I can't figure out how she gets re-elected here. And the left, of which I am a proud member, should shut up. We have a pretty left-wing, government subsidized radio outlet: NPR.
  2. You could probably paste my face over Madden's, and even I'll admit he should hang it up. I'll miss seeing him play though. Even when he wasn't hot he was still great to watch.
  3. Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams to Tie the Knot That's nice and all.
  4. "Suleman retained the Killeen Furtney Group to represent her last Friday. Furtney said the company, which normally handles corporate clients and crisis public relations, was referred to her by the hospital. Its clients include the Union Pacific Railroad and the California State Parks Department." Yep, that makes sense.
  5. Oh boy. Remake A modern-day remake of the film is set to be directed by Tony Scott, with a tentative release date of 2010. The remake may include real gang members and try to create a modern version of the story, set in Los Angeles.
  6. That's a pretty good interview. At least for Pitchfork.
  7. The awards may not matter, but who passes up the opprtunity to see great bands? That doesn't make any sense to me. I love seeing U2 BEING the coolest SOBs on the planet (watch Adam Clayton). Radiohead with a marching band? Are you nuts? That's stupid fun. The whole thing is fun.
  8. It may be a perfect album. Absolutely love it. And that's amazing! You should play the Lotto or craps.
  9. I can't stop watching it! Record Store Day can't come soon enough. Dearborn Music here I come!
  10. I was reading very quickly and I thought this said Wisconsians!
  11. I tell ya, when I'm 65 I hope I can move like Mick.
  12. Someone should write a very sad article about the thirty somethings who are still trying to pull this off.
  13. After reading through this thread again it occurs to me that maybe she had that many kids to get a gig on TLC. That would be a hell of a career move.
  14. [quote name='bobbob1313' date='Feb 7 2009, 02:09 PM' post='1277025' You'd have been an idiot to not take steroids before 2004. That just makes me sad as a fan.
  15. I wonder what this news means to all those who wrote off Bonds breaking Hank's record by saying, "Well, A-Rod will pass him and everything will be ok again". Seems like that argument just flew out the window.
  16. They'd have to be part of the Actor's Guild to be paid as actors, wouldn't they?
  17. I understand a family deciding to choose this as a path to parenthood where they are unlikely to get that family for some reason or another. I meant no offense. What I don't understand is how something like this topic happens or any other apparently incapable people end up with a storkful more than they can handle. Didn't mean to be a jerk.
  18. Oh yeah. Along the lines of, "God, step into my office. You're fucking fired"!
  19. There's no way I'm not going to hell after what I just said while reading that.
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