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Everything posted by Pocahontas

  1. My epidural is scheduled for friday June 20th at 12:30p.m. I really hope it does the job. My doc said if the epidural doesn't work he is doing a mylegram.
  2. Sunday mornings will never be the same without this wonderful man.
  3. August Rush was a tear jerker my daughter and I just couldn't stop crying even when it was over.
  4. That's the best one so far. I think In a Future Age is a good one.
  5. Have a Wonderful Birthday!!!!
  6. Delia Dee and Sugaree just hanging out.
  7. Have a Rockin 21st Birthday Rosie!!!
  8. This is our daughter's baby Sugaree, she is all snuggly warm.
  9. Hope you had a Wonderful Birthday!!!
  10. Hope your Birthday is a great one!!
  11. I hear ya! I'm sorry to hear about all your pain. What is a TENS unit?!? A TENS unit is a electric stimulizer you put on your back to help settle down muscles and spasms. It has little patches you put on your back and they are hooked up to a box that you can control the level of shock waves.
  12. I am back from the Pain Management doc, he has determined it is a lumbar strain, he gave me two shots of Lanacaid, and a steroid, after three hours I am experience more pain before I went, my legs are burning and my back is really sore. He also prescribed me Lidoderm patches (a local anesthetic to numb the area of pain). I have been taking Flexiril, Iburprofen, and Norico. I also am in Physical Therapy and the doc wants me to get a TENS unit to wear three times a week for four weeks. I just wish I could have one good day without any symptoms, but what can you do?
  13. LOOKIN' FOR A LEADER-Neil Youg Lookin' for a Leader To bring our country home Re-unite the red white and blue Before it turns to stone Lookin' for somebody Young enough to take it on Clean up the corruption And make the country strong Walkin' among our people There's someone who's straight and strong To lead us from desolation And a broken world gone wrong Someone walks among us And I hope he hears the call And maybe it's a woman Or a black man after all Yeah maybe it's Obama But he thinks that he's too young Maybe it's Colin Powell To right what he's done wrong America has a leade
  14. Luckily our children are much older than that. We never took them to shows when they were young.
  15. A good friend of ours got our tickets this morning, I think the whole family will be going to Indy again this year.
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