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Everything posted by Pocahontas

  1. Grease Star Wars Breakfast Club Pretty in Pink Lost Boys A few that the girls and I can watch over and over again, most of them I loved from my childhood.
  2. Well I voted for Obama because he is also white, have all of you forgot about that. He was raised in white culture by a white mother and white grandparents. Enough of the fighting and name calling, the election is over Obama is our president elect, like it or not.
  3. Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday Mende!!
  4. Have A Wonderful Birthday Wendy!!!!!!
  5. A text from my 17 yr. old out of the blue...I love you mom. And believe it or not she didn't want anything, she just wanted to let me know she loved me, really made my night.
  6. Those were really good shots of both bands. The drum is the best, I have that emblem on my shirt Scott brought back for me, Deadheads for Obama.
  7. Let's hope so, I spoke to Scott about three hours ago, he said they played until 12:10, that is all I will tell I am sure once he gets home he will let you all know how it went.
  8. Thanks, I was hoping there would be something, oh well I am sure Scott will call afterwards and tell me all about it.
  9. I was just wondering if anyone has heard if there is going to be a live stream tonite of the Dead and the Allman's at Penn State? I spoke with Scott about a hour ago and he was two hours away from Penn State, I am so glad that he is able to be there not just for the music but for the democratic party too.
  10. Happy Birthday E Sue, hope it is a good one.
  11. I know how that goes, our friends would have awesome seats at DeerCreek and we would be out in the lawn.
  12. You are so right on, I remember when they would sell out in the first 20 mins.
  13. That is wonderful that you made a mix tape for your youngin. When our children were little we made a mix tape of Jerry Garcia doing ballads, we named it Jerry lullaby's. Our children would be out like a light by the third song.
  14. Mt. Bed and Poca's great niece, Faith Michelle.
  15. Happy Happy Birthday John, hope it's a good one.
  16. Happy Birthday Tracy, hope it is a great one.
  17. Happy Birthday Mrs. Peel, I hope it's a good one.
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