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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. Bumpitty Bump Bump...any takers?
  2. Hey everyone. I was wondering if a kind soul could provide me with 3 tracks that I am missing from one of Jeff's solo shows. I need "New Madrid", "Black Eye", and "The Long Cut" from the January 4, 2000 show. Thank you so much for any help!!
  3. Count me in...unfortunately I don't have any money to be going to any shows anytime soon. Even if I did have the money, time would be non-existent with this bloody cdn. foreign policy research paper that is freaking me out!!! But alas...I am looking forward to the DVD (I also ordered Adult Head with it) and if my computer decides not to explode, then the webcast too.
  4. Radiohead Sigur Ros Joanna Newson (she just released the album "Ys". I think it's her debut album, and it's unbelievable!) Elliott Brood The Arcade Fire Bob Dylan Jason Collett Broken Social Scene Blue Rodeo Neko Case Stars Lily Allen Elliot Smith Wolf Parade Mogwai ummm....i think that's more than 5...
  5. All The Same To Me- it gets me everytime. especially when jeff gets to the line "and his heart stopped" and his voice rises with anguish...it kills me.
  6. I passed on several great shows that I could have seen in September (Final Fantasy, Junior Boys, Amy Milan) and I won't be seeing anything interesting unless someone plays at the Tongue and Groove, which is the only good place for music here in Lethbridge. Now that I'm back in school and working only 2 nights a week, it's too expensive for me to drive up to Calgary all the time for shows. However, I am saving up for some sort of trip in the spring when i'm hoping Wilco will be touring for the new album. Can't wait for it! I am so jealous of all the great shows all of you have a chance to
  7. You should definitely be excited!!!! My first show was this past summer in Calgary. I was right up against the baricade, dead center in front of Jeff. I couldn't stop smiling the entire show!!! I think it's pretty safe to say it will be a night you'll never forget!!! As for picture taking...it wasn't a problem at my show, as long as there was NO flash! Not sure whether the band has any quams with picture taking... Hope you have a great night!
  8. Dear Jeff, Susan, and Family I am so sorry to hear about this huge loss in your lives. My love and support goes out to you. Jamie
  9. AM: Blue-Eyed Soul or Pick up the Change, Just That Simple BT:Far, Far Away, Dreamer in my Dreams MAI:Another Man's Done Gone, Birds and Ships ST: Pieholded Suite or How to Fight Loneliness, My Darling MAII:Remember the Mountain Bed, Joe Dimaggio YHF: Jesus etc., Radio Cure AGIB:Company in my Back, Less Than You Think (no...not because of the droniness)
  10. Alright alright. I admitt that the moment I typed 'webcasted' I knew it was wrong, but I thought all you grammer nazis would have some fun in correcting/mocking me! What can I say...I'm here to entertain!
  11. Sorry if this was already discussed, but i couldn't see anything about it. Just checked out wilcoworld and on the news page it says the 9:30 show will be webcasted! YAYAYAY This should provide some comfort for those of you who had so much trouble with the tickets, and to those of us who never had a chance of attending the show in the first place. I love Wilco's internet-friendly attitude.
  12. I hope everyone has an amazing experience tonight!!! I wish I could be there...one day i'll make it to a solo tweedy show. HAVE FUN!
  13. Man, if they played shows in either of those places, i'd have to drive down from alberta to see them! Maybe when the new record comes out and they do more touring...
  14. what is this "burn to shine" dvd thing you guys speak of?
  15. i went for "lets fight", although i'm sure if "Walken" was on the list, it would be kicking ass! It's impossible to not jump up and dance whenever i hear walken!
  16. i've listened to this song several times now, and I am really getting into it. I can't wait to hear how/if they play with it in the studio! My favorite new song is still Walken, though.
  17. thanks so much for sharing your photos! i need to continue to live vicariously through other people and their wilco experiences. glad you had a fantastic time.
  18. blindgonzo


    pieholden suite another man's done gone gun say you miss me outta site (outta mind)
  19. Thank you so much, Dale! I just finished listening to the Calgary show and it's great quality!! I'll try to get this show tomorrow! Thanks again.
  20. Hey! Would any of you be willing to share your lovely photo's from the calgary show? Both sets of my batteries died, and I was unable to use my camera. Thanks for any help!
  21. Thank you so much for sharing this! This was my first Wilco show, and I definitely want to try and re-live my experiences (although it certainly won't be the same!) Thanks again!!!
  22. Thank you!!! I'm getting it right now! I can't wait until i can get a copy of the Calgary show, which is the one that i was able to go to!! YAY for WILCO!
  23. i have to say, i'm new here, but i like the cut of your jib!!!
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