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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. anyone who thinks republicans are pushing voter ID laws to make sure theres no fraud must buy gold from glen beck
  2. great job picking Wherever. Next up DBoon and then Long Time Ago!
  3. Got my friends in my BMW Gonna get myself arrested When youre there I sleep lengthwise When youre gone. I sleep diagonal in my bed
  4. how the hell did Moon do what he did anyway?? has anyone ever come close?? i mean was he trained or what was it?? watching him on the rock and roll circus really is something. him and entwhistle together is friggin off the chizzain
  5. the damn republicans keep saying over and over that 60 percent of Americans are against the affordable care act. they are taking the 30 percent of americans (republicans) and the 30 percent of americans (progressives) that wanted single payer and dont think the bill has done enough and keep adding them together to come up with the horseshit. so lame and boring
  6. so bleedorange you want to go back to the policies we had from 00 to 08 in the white house?? are you high?
  7. two things. Jack Black is Sean Penns little brother in Dead Man Walking Movies like Dead Man Walking should barely be legal.
  8. whats not reality?? my forefathers came over in the 1600s. there were no laws. you got off a boat. there has been discrimination against immigrants since the founding of the nation. now that the immigrants are dark skinned its time to make some laws. ive yet to EVER hear ONE conservative tell me any decent answer to health care or immigration. And thats in DC with friends that worked all over the Hill
  9. his hair looked good for his big day today. I heard Dan Burton is really upset and wants to get to the bottom of this BWAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA talk about deja vu
  10. do you guys realize why Issa is asking for these docmuents?? are you an American Indian??
  11. so what do you propose we do with a 30 year old that has been here since he/she was 3 years old???
  12. can i ride the rail?? how bout the damn beach show in cali??!! good lord you know that would be great
  13. he made jobs. and money. if he has 100 employees thats more than Wilco and Dr Dog combined! typical republican
  14. people trying to be anonymous on a message board theyve been on for ten years seems kinda goofy. if hes doing the hiring what the hell does he care about getting in trouble or whatever anyway???
  15. sober jerry is the absolute best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhX9DJIZ1NU
  16. Phish 3.0 are better than theyve ever been
  17. why do people automatically equate nudity with sexuality? ive never understood that. people think its traumatizing for kids to see a naked lady???!!! what the f*ck?
  18. IRememberDBoon


    id tell the guy to fuck off and get the hell out of my hippie coffee shop
  19. but let me guess..............you wont tell us what you do or what company you own??
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