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Everything posted by welch79

  1. shit. this news is disheartening. i was huge fan of the films from 1976-1983 due mostly to the fact that it was what occupied the mythology of my childhood...that added to fact that they had some badass toys for a lil tyke to get lost with all day setting up bases and whatnot, but i digress. i tried to lie to myself and tell myself that these new movies, these prequels, were good, any good at all, and for a while i was successful. now i am comfortable to admit that they really are drivel, in my, let me restate, my, opinion. now if i were 5 again, these movies would be a whole lot better
  2. i don't know what to think of this...
  3. i just found another concept album that i really like (somebody mentioned it previously)... red headed stranger - willie nelson the liner art is worth the price of admission. plus you get the music. check it.
  4. yes, but only because you asked nicely.
  5. this is the second time i've heard tweedy mention "dancing queen" in an interview as being the "perfect pop song." interesting i find it. i'm also pretty tired of every interview talking about rehab. i'm sure tweedy is too. at least this one didn't go down jay bennett boulevard. thanks for posting this...i don't mean to sound ungrateful. i did enjoy the read.
  6. welch79

    being there

    i couldn't agree more with this spot-on description.
  7. yeah, i wasn't trying to knock it, i was mentioning for originality's sake...
  8. thanks for posting the link to the article. it was a good read. unfortunately, after reading the spin article (posted in another thread), it is seeming that most interviews that are appearing courtesy of sbs's release are in the vein of "read one, read all."
  9. surely after things like the st. elsewhere finale (all the way back in the...eighties), they won't do something like that!
  10. what was that line that tweedy said about simplicity and tired of being complex...? anybody remember at all what i'm talking about?
  11. salsa...well, come to think, good "mexican" food in general. and keebler's fudge stripe cookies with whole milk. delectable.
  12. crow, that sounds interesting. i'll take it. i'll hate to see kate and sayid go, though. good catch, a-man, with the locke and cross parallel. interesante...
  13. welch79

    iTunes info

    calexico, don't you know? he's that guy. i've come to expect that from a-man. for some reason, i find it comforting that we have this ornery dude walking around the village with a torch, keeping the rubbish and repetition at bay.
  14. i've actually only seen one episode of said show, and this is the one i've seen. i wasn't taken by the show (again i've only watched once), but it appeared to be only a mature audience- minded seinfeld.
  15. agreed that the trailers for upcoming episodes are very misleading...one that comes to mind was when jin said everything was going to change in english in a hurley flashback episode. turned out to be just a vision or dream or some junk. i think they want us to think that they are in hell/purgatory or some alternate universe or something. my opinion is that it will all be explained in normal terms. the only abnormal thing will be the islands "powers" of healing which really may not be that sci-fi at all. sci-fi in the sense that we may not know of a place where the magnetic field is that
  16. yeah and john's been awol too. by the by, when this dvd comes out (with the cd i guess on the 15th) somebody that is capable is going to have to do a high qual-i-t audio rip. that should be a nice little bonus. i am liking these "video" versions that we have seen thus far.
  17. welch79

    iTunes info

    settle down everybody...this is wilco. all they recorded will be available. even some track that they didn't record. did that blow your mind?
  18. delete thread. sorry. my inner a-man is coming out.
  19. either way, like a-man said, it will show up on the internets directly...we're talking about wilco here.
  20. HAH! that's good for a laugh. thanks.
  21. i'm not so sure about you. i do like me some bob seger. who cares if he's on this list or whatever.
  22. oh right. i was thinking that she may have been in someone else's flashback (remember when they were intertwining everybody's back story). i know that the flashback is key to the show, but i am growing weary...maybe only a 10 minute section of flashback rather than a 20 (half the show)? let's get some of this present story out of the way. did i read somewhere that an upcoming episode is flashback free?
  23. fully agreed. anyway, my list in order of ones more likely to be skipped: my darling can't stand it candyfloss it's just that simple ashes of american flags (yhf album version- i really like the live arrangement)
  24. i like the way big parm is thinking. also, i saw from a-man's screencap link that woman in the picture on head monk's desk is indeed somebody from the past, but who was it? Anybody remember? That was a badly done mock-up of a picture...
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