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Everything posted by welch79

  1. is that leroy bach? it's all beginning to make sense...
  2. on a private beach in michigan, huh? cool. i walked the section of a.t. from dick's creek gap to fontana dam about three weeks ago with three good buddies. i've now completed the a.t. through the smokies. 260 some-odd miles on foot with 25 lbs on yer back seems like a pretty big accomplishment, but looking at it on a map sure is discouraging. i'll get to maine one day. no rush. other than that, my backyard. we're pretty broke seeing as how my wife just graduated from college and is now trying to find employment. happy vacations to everyone.
  3. good to hear this is good...i wanted to see it, but opted out of seeing at the theater. will catch soon. thanks for the reminder. edit: dang...just checked the dvd release. gotta wait a month.
  4. this is the one i keep playing and singing to myself.
  5. this song has begun to grow on me as well. at first, i didn't really like it either.
  6. looks as though we share something more than an avatar, joe. i was gonna say... this just goes to prove my point: germans love jeff tweedy. (of course the joke is here that this line was previously used by norm macdonald to describe "the hoff.")
  7. well this explains everything! seriously, though, it makes sense. but will we, united statesmen of america, do anything about it?
  8. see, i can't tell if this is sarcasm. it better be...
  9. worshipper, no need to explain. it's a great song. definitely no love lost on my end, and if you genuinely like it, you shouldn't feel the need to justify it to anybody else.
  10. imo, safari blows. it runs slower than firefox on both my imac (intel) and ibook (g4). all firefox for this dude. i'll tell you what i hate is when some companies only accept ie or safari. why no love for the firefox? i will also echo the above comment that there are a load of add-ons that make mozilla's browser the one i prefer.
  11. i just learned a new word. thanks.
  12. i just found this last night. great performances. if you watch the behind the scenes stuff, there is another awkward tweedy and autograph signee moment, a la iattbyh dvd. i laughed a little bit. also, sansone is listed as patrick rather than pat. i thought that was weird. and kotche didn't speak at all! oh, by the way, who is that on cline's guitar (the androgynous- looking individual)?
  13. i saw your post in the other thread about not discussing invading iran and instead discussing wilco. while you definitley have a point on some level, the larger point is this: this is a forum largely to discuss the band. while it may seem that all we do is discuss the band, i've done several things today that has kept me in tune with the world and my life, and you know what? part of my day i spend here reading and communicating to other like-minded fans who want a few minutes' diversion from invading iran. who's to say, by the way, that i didn't just post to some other message board about
  14. anybody else hear similarities to jeff buckley's singing on some songs?
  15. thanks for reminding me about this song. it's among one of my favorites. i remember i found it because the wallflowers covered it for the late 90s' godzilla soundtrack. i walked this earth for a little bit thinking it was their song when one day i heard bowie's version. [this youtube version] great version of a great song, man.
  16. i'm an immediate fan of this album and i'm sure it will grow for me even more. very solid and consistent. concise even. there was hatin' earlier in this thread on halloweenhead. i don't understand why. worst thing, i guess, is that it's just shy of 40 minutes.
  17. i have to disagree with you 50% there. i liked all that you can't leave behind, but i do think that how to dismantle is trash.
  18. yup. don't get me wrong, i like both these bands, but their last releases were very subpar in my esteem. parachutes remains one of my favorite albums...it was just way overexposed. and i've been a casual fan of u2's since i was 8 (joshua tree).
  19. yup. i don't really like the studio version at all. esp. after hearing the live version.
  20. spenceracuff (north carolina. kinda guster-ish) this is me smiling (chicago. kinda ben folds-ish) augie march (australia. don't have a comparison. good stuff if a little dark and brooding.)
  21. hey thanks for this link, just listened, and it all sounds pretty great. i've been a sideline fan of ryan adams for several years now. the last album i bought was gold and thought it was pretty good, if just a touch uneven. a couple of buddies of mine are pretty into him, so i get a lot of news and stuff from them about him. i'm looking forward to this one, though.
  22. that's what i think. they know it will sell as decently as they need it to b/c they have a solid fanbase here in the states, one that they can depend on buying the product after it has been free for months. i am thinking that they want to broaden their audience across the atlantic. this seems to have been a push for tweedy for a little while now. i seem to recall him doing some solo shows in spain towards the 4th quarter of last year. and then they had the appearance on some bbc show (check out the video u/l by lloyd here) and some interviews by some spanish media. seems they tackled
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