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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i loved bottle rocket. i liked rushmore. i loved tenenbaums. there were likeable parts to life aquatic, although i didn't really like the whole package as much. i do enjoy anderson's work and am excited he's finishing a new project. anybody ever catch the 8-minute black and white "bottle rocket?" pretty funny. you can prolly dredge it up sommers.
  2. ...that a few riders have made of it. the sport itself is not a joke. just like baseball is not a joke of a sport, but barry bonds is making one out of it. sad.
  3. well, shit. this is the lowest of the low. i thought surely after all the fallout from last year, that this year's tour would keep it's nose clean, but i guess that isn't the case... on with the tour! with astana out, that means that kloden is out as well which will shake up top gc. also, having lost astana, discovery is pretty much a lock for team crown. i just hope that the rest of the tour goes quietly...as far as doping is concerned.
  4. hey, i'm really enjoying this album, save for the title, but i can get over that. my exposure to spoon has been minimal and in going back to listen to their older releases, i like this one best. i realize that this probably will not be the case as i spend more time with them, but for right now at least, i really like this album best of their other releases (i just can't get into them as well).
  5. well this is all very strategic, innit?
  6. less is usually more you know...esp. w/kids and they usually don't want to be singled out.
  7. contador really put rasmussen in a tight spot today...hats off. hats off as well to vino who showed a lot of courage and pride today. while no longer a gc contender, he sure showed that he is still a force with today's efforts. with a strategic off day tomorrow, wednesday's stage will be quite a show to be sure. wednesday's stage: ~220k, 2 hc climbs. wowsers. good luck fellas.
  8. sorry bout evans today, aeglos rasmussen remains really strong and who is this contador cat? he's come out of nowhere! levi's looking good still as well. evans isn't out; he's a helluva rider. the pyranees will be a challenge for all...especially after today's barn burner. the real loser today is vino. tough break for the guy that blew the rest of the field away in yesterday's tt. this is great to watch. for anybody out there curious as to what is so enthralling about this century- old bike race, tune in to the versus channel sometime today and watch the last 15k of today's stage
  9. got mine coming in the mail from amazon. looking forward to reading it, but i won't be one of those folks that plans on tearing through it...unless it's that good. i have no idea when amazon will get me my copy. anybody heard how long this one is?
  10. just saw this earlier tonight and was pleasantly surprised. although, i have to admit that i probably would not have liked it quite as much if i hadn't, a) been a fan of the series, or read the book. lucky for me i meet these two, so i enjoyed it. the wand battle was extremely well done.
  11. that photo's funny...i don't care who you are. tomorrow's stage. can't wait to see what happens on another hefty climbing stage. maybe a favorite will emerge so that everybody else can just chill out and try to beat him...
  12. yeah...mcewen was eliminated sunday.
  13. hard to believe that he [nels] is a card- carrying member of us normal humans... nice work.
  14. i really enjoyed listening to sbs while reading at the beach on holiday this past weekend. twas magnificent. so was the motorcycle diaries.
  15. have to say a little surprised to find rasmusssen up there. too bad discovery rider contador had a flat so close to the end or he would have had a better finish. turning out to be pretty exiting. stage 9 on tuesday should be hellacious with 2 hors categorie climbs. i'd like to see discovery get a win here, but as leipheimer said today, he'll peak in the alps. i just hope he makes good on his word. congrats to rasmussen for the strong win.
  16. just read the pitchfork review for spoon's new one and while i was over there i re-read this one b/c of this thread. yeah, i still can't say i like this review. it's just damn derogatory in tone, it seems, too much so. i mean, if i would have read that review solely and was new to wilco, i probably would not have bought the album, and i don't like that. now, i know that one critic's take on something shouldn't sway your opinion, inevitably, it does happen. overall, it's inordinately negative.
  17. welch79

    Hate It Here

    hey, good post. why didn't you use a period? are you not finished with your thought?
  18. oh. whew. i thought i had accidentally found my way onto the wilco message boards...turns out i found the motley crue message board. rock on.
  19. welch79

    Hate It Here

    i'm thinking this as well... plus, sometimes my wife says "my house," "my bedroom," etc. in my presence just b/c that's the way she speaks.
  20. ...is most definitely the record i would take with me if i could only have one. ...is flawless in all its error. ...is a freakin' great album!
  21. contains my two least favorite wilco tracks: can't stand it and my darling. also contains some of my favorite wilco tracks: htfl, jar, pieholden.
  22. i thought dave z had it in the back pocket...for like a minute. oh well. good finishes for hincapie and vino as well. cancellara owned today. on to stage 1.
  23. looks like a pretty day over there across the pond! been a pretty good day of riding so far. tough break for o'grady.
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