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Everything posted by welch79

  1. looks like we're set up for a really nice finale next wednesday. who the hell are the ladies in the underwater hatch?
  3. i saw that he was on there last night, but turned it off after headlines. i can't wait for conan to take over. leno's comedy for the most part is not funny to me. more of a goofy dad with a random out-of-character sex joke every now and then. anyway, did he say he was a goner? (sorry, can't really decipher your code you damn lost fan you...)
  4. your face is stupid. oh yeah...i almost forgot the point of my post: get a mac.
  5. sounds great! thanks for the upload.
  6. dadjimmit! mine wasn't in the post today. hopefully tomorrow... sounds pretty good.
  7. going out on a limb here all by myself and say... ...walken.
  8. hey...can't d/l til later... is the rockin' drum solo on this studio version?
  9. hey thanks! i can't remember where I scavenged that.
  10. welch79


    in one of the most random occurrences... a friend o' mine knocked on my door this past saturday with what looked to be a postcard in his hand. turns out, it was nels cline's autograph on a flyer of some club, winston's in ocean beach, that cline was playing or frequenting, or something, i don't know, things get kinda cloudy there. anyway, my friend mentioned to his friend in the biz that i was a huge wilco fan (somehow he had a connection with cline) and hooked me up. i am usually not one to get too fired up about autographs or what-have-you, but what really floors me about this story i
  11. dearest theshua: your story about how you came up with your name is funny. i appreciate you taking the time to explain it. now, lighten up a bit. i don't think anybody hates you here...this isn't really that type of place. i think some dudes are just ribbing you a bit b/c you are reacting to it like you are. roll with it and laugh at yourself a bit. of course this is just my take and opinion. you can do whatever with it. ~welch79 (sorry, couldn't resist)
  12. hah! funny. what about kobayashi? seriously, this was a pretty interesting/good read. thanks for the post.
  13. allow us to hire a ref so that you boys may fight to the end... ~welch79
  14. did that guy have an axe to grind or what?! that review was pretty harsh. you know, regardless of whether or not you like the album, i don't know if you should attack someone's creativity, especially someone's who has consistently, for almost 20 years now, put out great material (tweedy). i bet if you took this guy out to a mexican restaurant and he ordered something hot he would bite into it and his face would turn red and his eyes would water. you'd ask him if it was hot and he needed something to drink he'd say, "it's not so bad," and continue eating. he just strikes me as that typ
  15. that's what i was a wonderin...
  16. there is the age problem...like the "hostile" that young ben runs into when he runs away. this guy is still with him (can't think of his name) and he doesn't appear to have aged a day. of course, this may be an effect of the powers of the island. but how did ben age? unless he left the island for awhile? oh, but then ben's dad (uncle rico) aged while he was on the island. so, i guess there goes that theory... now, on to the vw microbusses. we could date it based on them, but then again, they could have had them shipped over and just kept in great shape on the island. i just think tha
  17. neat. not that major of a shocker/spoiler, though, in my opinion. maybe this is just me, but there's not much about this show that is shocking me anymore. this one adds up more than some plotlines have. my only question is how could she not remember if this is indeed her. or are we only s'posed to think it's her.
  18. i just don't know anymore...
  19. i am expecting my copy with dvd to be in the mail on tuesday or wednesday from my preorder. thanks wilco. you're the coolest.
  20. i'm just glad we all have our own opinions and they are respected.
  21. quick, someone explain "5'd" to a bro not in the know. please.
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