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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i bought a jack johnson itunes originals way back when and wished i hadn't b/c i already had all the songs save one (a jimmy buffet cover. woohoo). anyway, i hope this one is better than my purchase b/c mine sucked!
  2. was intrigued by the first spin. really liked it. thought it was like radiohead (i know...). more than anything thought it made me want to check out more wilco. still haven't tired of it after 2 years of not going a couple of days w/o hearing at least a song off of it.
  3. 27. i'm really bad about keeping up with age. i'm gonna make a bad old person.
  4. i am finding it pretty difficult to get keyed up about this year's tour, and it's not because of all the doping scandals that have plagued the sport. for the first time in about a decade of following the event, i don't really have a "favorite" to pull for or to watch. all the big names are out: no ullrich, no basso, no really strong american rider (i guess leipheimer could be inserted here). all the pundits are throwing vino's name out there, but somehow i don't think it will be him in yellow in paris. i guess we'll see more in a week. as i've typed this up, i've realized that while i h
  5. i don't like any of the fm transmitters. the static kills me. on music, it is definitely bearable, but on longer road trips, when i listen to audiobooks, or when i run into interference and have to find a new signal, they are a pain. about 6 months ago, i bought a high-end kenwood receiver with stereo plugs in the back. i run my ipod into that (aux input setting on the deck) with a monster stereo cable. i just run the cable from the back of the deck out through the ashtray. the sound is great, and i never get any distortion unless i try to push my system above it's natural capability
  6. this is an understatement. make it a point to do this soon. you will not regret it. you think you like them now listening to them from being stamped on some plastic...
  7. wait...since that doesn't exist, how could you know?
  8. i say buy it. it's pretty solid and catchy.
  9. you know i'm not getting all the flak that this dude is getting for this album: halloweenhead is shit and retarded. it's lame that his watch says 4:20. his falsetto blows. this is a safe album. adams is a terrible human being and he should die. ok, so i added the last one, but am i missing something here? i'll admit that i don't know a lot of his stuff, but, really america? jus wondrin.
  10. oh the redhead said you shred the cello and i'm jello, baby i just dusted blue and pink off the other day thx to this thread. in fact, i'll say it again: pinkerton. what a great album. hey. should i check out maladroit?
  11. anything this guy touches is gold in my book. he's my own personal midas. seriously, though, i'm loath to find anything of his i don't like. evil deads vs. aod brisco co. jr. bht come get some.
  12. i have enjoyed reading the posts in this thread. very interesting stuff here. kinda makes me appreciate how invaluable and unique musical "property" is. also, what a way to convey history, sentimentality and opinions music is.
  13. boy, i can't agree with either statement there. ok. anodyne is good, maybe even the best ut, but not by far...march is pretty dang great! and the search can't hold a candle to yhf, agib, or sbs, imo. the search is good, but i don't know that it's better even than trace.
  14. pinkerton. what a great album.
  15. well, a-man feels the same way... who sits en vez de bonham?
  16. i've had the leaked copy, but just purchased this disc because i like to have tangible music and i feel this way:
  17. just got this issue in the mail and was going to start a new thread... i was really surprised to see this photo staring back at me from ng.
  18. wilco played this great song when they were last in knoxville, march of '06. i thought it was a cover at first. edit: well, i guess it is a cover. my b.
  19. welch79

    YHF Demos

    [quote name='JUDE
  20. i'll go with this, but i'll also add that i prefer jeff's singing to jay's. jay's seems to run in the groove too much (same singing all the time), so to speak. all three are worth your time, howev.
  21. i really think it would be a bad move if they gave the show to rosie o'donnell...
  22. glad it was a great show...i was a little worried when i was watching the weather radar. i was worried they would cancel the show or cut it short or whatever. doesn't sound like the case, though! sounds like it was a great time. wish i was there, but glad you enjoyed it, bourbonbreath.
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