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Everything posted by welch79

  1. halfway through and enjoying it. anybody read his others? this is my first one of his.
  2. he played on the today show this morning, and i've already forgotten what he played, not that it was forgettable, but i was busy and had the tv on as i worked. i do recall, however, after the song that plant mentioned that he had "mined the US for 'spook music,' blues..." thought that was a bit of a faux pas.
  3. holy shit! two 80+ minute sets...can't wait till the 15th... i just got my hands on "live at the greek" and chris really does a good job as a stand in for robert plant. the stretch from ten years gone --> in my time of dying --> your time is gonna come is strong!
  4. these guys are spectacular live. spectacular. i have seen them a couple of times here in knoxville, and they really bring it all. i'd really like to see them at the sold out ryman show on 10/29, so...if anyone knows of any or has any leads, let a bro know...
  5. ok, so croweology has me on a huge crowes renaissance, which, i think, is happening with a lotta folks these days (not a bad thing...they are a great band). anyway, i've bought brothers of a feather and lost crowes and both are fantastic. i've also dvr-ed a performance from vh1 (i think) that i have watched a few times...and, i have managed to grab some decent seats to their show at the tennessee theater here next month. glad i've re-discovered these dudes.
  6. i was a little underwhelmed. i'm giving it more time though. nothing has really jumped out to grab me yet.
  7. i did get "lost" for two and a half days reading all the posts and grabbing unreleased material linked to from this thread. a very interesting read for a ryan fan. have you seen today's facebook update from "the DRA?" "UPDATE; I've been working on a second batch of tunes. both sessions ( NYC and LA ) sound super cool but I feel like there is even more. still working... I imagine the new solo LP will be ready next year. To anyone asking about III/IV and Blackhole- they are almost out of the oven. You will have a chance to get them this Fall. There will not be staggered pressings. Digital AN
  8. lamrod, both of your most recent posts (robo force and boglins) brought back memories i didn't even know i had! i used to scare the crap out of my kid brother with the two boglins i had (they were also puppets with movable eyes), and i remember my older cousin wouldn't let me play with his robo force toys (he was an a-hole...still is an a-hole).
  9. ok, so croweology is fucking awesome. thoroughly enjoying it. what a banner year for good material.
  10. this really got me laughing: "he's masturbating — while wearing a pair of Crocs."
  11. ha! i could've lived my entire life w/o seeing a rococo penis complete with cabbage balls... ya know, that would be a funny "piece" to have just so you could sneak it onto a relative's bric-a-brac shelf to see how long it "wood" (sorry...couldn't resist) take for them to notice that there is a rococo penis staring at them.
  12. i wasn't sure what kind of "pop-up" you were referring to here but i just picked up a cheap copy at target and found the pop-up. sticker in there too. the only two other crows albums i have are southern harmony and shake your money maker. i bought those way back in the day and i'm fairly sure those came with stickers too? i could do some digging i guess and find the jewel case. do you remember if they did? did their other albums? anyway, there is some great stuff here on croweology.
  13. great news! thanks! i like the art too.
  14. i've heard the talks to increase the schedule to 18 games. has anyone heard if they will increase the 53 man roster if they up the ante by two more games? i'm just thinking that the season is already pretty grueling. it seems that they'd need more players for position depth and rotation purposes.
  15. so's mine. that makes three red bikes...a conspiracy is afoot...
  16. i liked this film, and i like the man-child will ferrell stuff too (i could watch step brothers on repeat for 24 hrs solid, i believe). but i thought he put that bit way for this film. yes, the soundtrack was great, and after seeing this film, of course the music struck me, so i checked out the soundtrack, and long story and run-on sentence short, it was my introduction to spoon (and now i own all their albums). this thread makes me want to watch it again.
  17. i am really enjoying this album after about six spins, and a highlight for me is rococo. have you paid attention to the lyrics? fits the message in my opinion. and, on the whole, it seems like a very cohesive, top-to-bottom listenable album. i am not discounting your opinion...simply stating mine as it contrasts yours in the case that some board reader is wavering on whether to give it a shot or not.
  18. totally. one of my favorite albums. that makes two good ones coming out on 5 oct as far as i know: pinkerton re-issue and live, vol. 3 by the avett bros...and it all happens three days before my birthday. it shall be a good week, reckon.
  19. just realized that this (croweology) wasn't a "compilation" but a re-imagining of these tunes. call me dense. i will have to check this out. (i also still have to check out three snakes and one charm...don't throw anything at me, please...)
  20. ben folds five - fair the jayhawks - over my shoulder red house painters - make like paper ryan adams - willows spoon - wanted to be your wilco - bull black nova my brightest diamond - apple elvis costello - watching the detectives the rolling stones - country honk ryan adams - starting to hurt
  21. no, you are right, and i totally agree with this statement. and, as i think solace also mentioned earlier, they are in the same "fight" b/c arcade fire was included on dark was the night which was produced by the dessners (of the nat'l)...so i don't get all this polarity b/w tn fans vs. af fans. personally, i am huge tn fan, and have only had one af album, neon bible, which didn't particularly grab me. i do like the track "lenin" included on dwtn, and i want to check out the 'burbs, just haven't gotten my hands on it yet.
  22. agreed. great edition of the tour.
  23. hey...good news for avett fans... new release cd/dvd this oct.
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